From the Head of Junior School

Welcome to week 4B
It was wonderful to see so many of our families last week at our Information Nights and Swimming Carnival. Thank you for partnering with us in this way.
At the information nights, I spoke out the importance of school attendance. It is a parent’s legal responsibility to ensure their child is at school every day as school is compulsory. Unfortunately, families have varying opinions on school attendance.
School should be the priority. Weekends and family holidays shouldn’t overshadow school. Early pick-ups and late drops offs shouldn’t be a routine in your household and routine appointments should be scheduled out of school hours or in school holidays.
Not turning up effects a child’s confidence. They’ll miss a beat which creates a flow-on effect, that impacts both their learning and their social confidence. Things change – even in a day and you don’t want your child missing out. What occurs in the classroom on the day you miss will never happened again. We will revise and return to learning, but never in the way it happened on that day.
A few things you can do:
- Don’t cut corners, it is always a school day, for the full day. Don’t be late and don’t leave early.
- Never ask the question, ‘Do you want to go to school today’. It is always a school day.
- Plan holidays carefully, for the school holidays.
- When your child is sick, wait until they’re symptom free and then return them to school. An extra day is not required.
We’re aiming for 95% attendance rates and above for every child in the school. This allows for a few days off for illness. Don’t slip into bad habits that are hard to undo. Make school attendance a priority as friendships matter, learning matters and everyday counts.
Claire Smith
Head of Junior School