Principal's Message 

Staff Professional Development Day  -  School Culture & Feedback Opportunitie

Dear Families, 

Vale Rob Brennan - Salesian College Principal

It is with great sadness that we advise our school community of the passing of Rob Brennan, past principal of Salesian College, Chadstone from 2012 to 2020. I was most fortunate to have formed a very positive partnership with Rob in my time as principal of Holy Family, Mount Waverley and at St Andrew’s School.   Rob led Salesian with great success, integrity and with great respect and care for the boys of Salesian.  We pray for his family and the Salesian community. 


Long Service Leave & Future Retirement of Paul Wakeling 

Families were informed yesterday of my plans for my period of Long Service Leave throughout Terms 3 and 4 of the 2024 school year and my retirement thereafter.   

Please refer to 2 excerpts from the attached letter:

I have informed Fr Joe, Deb Egan (MACS Southern Region General Manager), and our staff team that I will be taking a period of Long Service Leave from the commencement of Term 3, Monday 15th, July, 2024 through to Friday 20th, December, 2024.   Thereafter I will be ceasing my employment at St Andrew’s School and retiring from my role as Principal.  My time on site as principal of St Andrew’s School will effectively conclude on Friday 28th June, 2024, the last day of Term 2.   

After negotiations with Fr Joe and Deb Egan, Nicole Black will be appointed as Acting Principal of St Andrew’s School commencing Monday 15th July, 2024, the beginning of Term 3, with her role as Acting Principal concluding Monday 27th January, 2025.  Nicole currently has the role of  Deputy Principal/Religious Education Leader.   Nicole will work alongside Emma Strom, Deputy Principal/Learning and Teaching Leader, to lead our school community.  

Deb Egan (MACS Southern Region General Manager) will liaise with Fr Joe to negotiate the appointment of a new principal to St Andrew’s school. A Principal Selection Panel will be formed with the responsibility to appoint a new Principal to commence at the beginning of the 2025 school year.  


I thank Fr Joe, the school staff parents and our children for the generous feedback that I have received since the announcement of my plans. The words of support are most warmly received.  Many of our staff have tried various forms of encouragement to keep me onsite for a few more years! 


Please refer to the link below to read the letter as distributed to school families yesterday. 


Paul - Leave Period 

Monday 25th March - Thursday 28th & Monday 15th April - Friday 26th April 

To further complicate matters I have recently been advised that I will be required to take a period of sick leave for the period of Monday 25th March - Thursday 28th & Monday 15th April - Friday 26th April.   Many families would be aware that I took a period of leave in September, 2023 to have a left hip replacement.   After a visit to my surgeon in the past fortnight I was advised that I require a total hip replacement to my right hip.  I have been advised that this surgery would need to be undertaken as soon as possible.  This period of leave is most unexpected and has certainly thrown a curve ball for my forward planning.   To lessen the impact on my period of leave from school I have negotiated to undertake surgery in the final week of term 1 and to use the term 1 holiday break as the major period of recovery.     Nicole Black, supported by Emma Strom, will lead the school throughout my 3 week period of leave.   (This is a case of 'hip, hip...but no hooray!) 


Congratulations Reconciliation Candidates - Celebration of Sacrament Thursday 14th March, this evening.

This evening (6pm - 7.30pm) students from Year 3 will be celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Our Reconciliation candidates gathered together today for a Sacrament of Reconciliation Reflection Day as led by our Year 3/4 staff team. 

Please keep the candidates in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation this evening.  I congratulate the children for their learnings in their preparation for the sacrament and wish them well as they gather to celebrate together.    I thank Fr Joe, Nicole Black ( Deputy Principal/Religious Education Leader) , the Grade 3/4 team and our staff for their support of the children this evening.

Adelyn W

Blake H

Charlie C

David S

Edwin J

Elijah M

Eric Y

Esme N

Ethan N

Evan K

Evelyn F

Evie S

Faye L T

Frances B

Garrick N S

Gavin G

Georgina P C

Hudson C

Jeswin J

Karan S



Katelyn Mc

Kleidson V

Liam M

Madeleine W

Mason T

Rachel D

Ryan G

Tom N

Zach F

2024 School Advisory Council Membership 

On Wednesday 28th February, the School Advisory Council (SAC) met for the first meeting of the 2024 school year.   

‘The School Advisory Council (SAC) provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where the parent/guardian voice and perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by the principal and parish priest for the good of school and parish where the wellbeing and outcomes for students is paramount.’ (MACS School Advisory Terms of Reference)  

There are 6 scheduled SAC meetings for the year.  An example of agenda items presented at SAC meetings include - 

28th February, 2024 -  Key points on the SAC agenda included :

  • Commencement of 2024 School Year
    • Welcome 2024 Preps - 43 Preps 
    • Welcome Allison McKenzie (Student Wellbeing & Learning Diversity Leader), Lachie Ware (Year 3/4) and Emily Casaceli (Year 3/4).  Natalie Arhontis (Rando) returns from parental leave on Monday 4th March.   We also welcome Nan Perazzo, a retired teacher/school leader, who will be onsite 3 days a week supporting our literacy practices, intervention strategies and support for teachers. 
    • Staffing Roles & Initiatives for 2024 - Continuation of funding directed to STEM, Sustainability, Speech Pathologist 
  • Overview of Annual Action Plan Goals & Strategies for 2024 (Term 1) 
    • Brief presentation of school’s focus for 2024 - Mindful of 2025 MACS Review Building Program
  • Building program incorporating Yr 3-6 learning spaces - completed 
    • Building Variation of $14,500
    • Administration Area/Library - awaiting Government Funding outcome - June 
  • Term 1 School Events & Planning 
    • Welcome Morning Tea,Shrove Tuesday Pancakes, Ash Wednesday Mass, Reconciliation, Prep Family Mass, Year 3/4 Swimming Program, District Swimming Carnival,   Inter-School Sports, School Open Days, Student & Parent Webinars - Cyber-Safety/Big Feelings Webinar (Marty & Carley McGauran), School Photos, School Athletics Carnival 
  • Wellbeing Parent Webinar - ‘Managing Big Feelings’ - Tue 6th Feb 
  • School Open Days - 
    • Friday 1st March, Wednesday 13th March & Tuesday 26th March  9am, 10am, 4pm & 5pm. 
    • Saturday 23rd March 9am, 9.45am & 10.30am
    • School Tours - We’ve already had an unprecedented number of tours 
  • Presentation of Year 6 Jackets - Date TBC  - Possible change to Fri 1st March- Invitation to 2023 School Captains to present Yr 6 Jackets - Thank you Nerida 

SAC members as Representatives of the St Andrew’s Community 

The 2024 SAC is formed with the following Parish/School and community representation:

  • Fr Joe (Parish Priest), Paul Wakeling (Principal) , Nicole Black & Emma Strom (Deputy Principal’s), Alan O’Brien, Helena Thompson, Steven Champion, Nerida Sibilia, Julianne McKernan, Aaron Waide, John Haywood, Geoff Mutton and Leanne Ngo  (Community Representation/Parents)   

The parent representatives provide the ‘voice of the parent body’ as an official form of reference and feedback to Fr Joe and School leadership.   

We invite all community members to make reference to these SAC members if there are key areas of the school that you would like tabled or considered in a formal context at a SAC meeting.   We would also invite you to discuss with these SAC members the role of the SAC and the current agenda items that are being considered.

Expressions of interest for parents wishing to join the SAC committee will be published in June 2024 through the school newsletter. 


First Communion Date 2024 - Saturday June 1 & Sunday June 2

Parents please note the change of date for the 2024 Sacrament of First Communion. The celebration of the sacrament will take place on Saturday June 1 (6pm) and Sunday June 2 (11am).    

Easter Egg Event - Donations welcomed! 

Easter Egg Prize Draw - Thursday 28th March - 1.00pm

The St Andrew’s Parents and Friends Easter Egg Event is up and running for 2024. If you are able, we ask each family to donate an Easter Egg to this year’s event.   The gifts will be used to create Easter hampers.

Raffle prizes will be drawn in the afternoon of the last day of term with all children a chance to walk away with an Easter surprise! The more donations we receive from our parent community equates to more raffle prizes which equates to more winning children! 

All Easter Egg donations are required by Friday 22nd March. This will provide time for hampers to be created.


We thank all P & F members for organising this year’s Easter Draw. 

All money raised from Parents and Friends activities this year will be directed to updating the school’s Performing Arts resources. 

Easter Eggs Surprise

We will be handing all children an Easter Egg on Thursday 28th March as we conclude term 1.   Parents with children with dietary issues registered with the school will receive an individual letter advising of an alternate egg that their child may choose to eat.    We advise parents of this action as we are highly aware of our role to cater for children with allergies, whilst providing the opportunity for our children to receive a small gift from their teacher. 


School Photos – Tuesday 19th March 

(No Sports Uniform)


School Photos will be taken on Tuesday 19th March. Please ensure that children are present at school for an 8.45am start so as to avoid your child missing their class photo. Please note that all families should have received an envelope providing details of participation and payment for the photo day.  

Please note that the children are required to wear the normal school uniform on the day, not the sports uniform.

Prep - Year 6 Athletics Program on Friday 22nd March (1pm-3pm)

We look forward to welcoming families on Friday 22nd March to our annual School Athletics Carnival.   The afternoon events will commence at 1.00pm and conclude at approximately 3.00pm.   Children are requested to wear their St Andrew’s sports tops with their house colour.



We are again teaming with an external provider, Kaboom Kids Sports, to add an extra dimension to the the fun of the day for our children.  

The Prep to Year 2 students will participate in Athletics events on the school oval from 1.00pm through to 2.00pm whilst our Year 3 to Year 6 children will spend 1.00pm through to 2.00pm at the front of the school with Kaboom Kids Sports. At 2.00pm the groupings will swap over the complete alternate activities. 

All students will gather on the school oval at approximately 3.00pm for the presentation of the St Andrew’s House Athletics Shield. 

We aim for the afternoon to be a chance for our students to demonstrate their athletic skills, enjoy the fun and excitement of working with an external sports company along with a chance for families to gather and enjoy an engaging fun family event.

1:00-1:50pm - Oval - Prep & Year 1/2 - Sprints & relays 

1:00-1:50pm - Kaboom - Year 3/4 & 5/6 

2:00-3:00pm - Oval - Year 3/4 & 5/6 - Sprints & relays

2:00-3:00pm - Kaboom - Prep & Year 1/2 

3:00 - 3:15pm - Presentation of shield to winning team. 


Sunsmart Protocols  - All children will be encouraged to apply sunscreen prior to going out to the athletics event and children will be wearing hats. We encourage families to apply sunscreen to children prior to leaving home on the morning of the 22nd March. 

Parent-Child-Teacher Interviews - Monday 25th March

We invite all families to attend the Term 1 Parent/Child/Teacher Interviews on the afternoon/evening of Monday 25th March.  Parents can book for this event by clicking on the link below.  The interviews will be 10 minutes and conducted in the School Hall.



Please note that the booking site is Now Open

Bookings close on Saturday 23rd March. 


We remind parents that students are encouraged to be active participants in the interviews.   Should it be necessary to have a private conversation with your child’s class teacher, we recommend that parents simply advise the teacher that they would like their child to remove themselves from the interview for a short period of time. 

Interviews will run from 2.30pm through to 7.20pm.   


Optional Child School Attendance – Monday 25th March - 1.35pm-3.15pm

Teaching staff will be released on the afternoon of Monday 25th March to commence ‘Three Way Interviews’.   Children remaining at school for the afternoon block will be grouped in levels and supervised by staff not required at the Interviews.  Parents attending interviews may collect their children from these level gatherings. 

Parents do have the option of collecting their children for a shortened school day from 1.35pm.  Collection of children assists staff by reducing the number of children being present in the afternoon block.  Please inform your child’s class teacher in writing if you plan to collect your child from school at this early time.

Parents do not need to sign out from the school office on this day.  Your written notification will be a record of student early exits. 


Term 2 interviews will take place on Monday 24th June.   These interviews will involve the presentation of each child’s Semester 1 Report.

St. Andrew’s Open Days for 2024                                   

Prep/Foundation Children and new Enrolments from Year 1 to Year 6

Let your neighbours, friends and relatives know St. Andrew’s School 

Open Days are set for March. 

School Open Days will be held on:

  Tuesday 26th March 

    Tours will run on the hour at 9am, 10am, 4pm & 5pm.

                                                             Saturday 23rd March

                                                    Tours at 9am, 9.45am & 10.30am 

Tours are also available on any school day throughout the year by appointment.

We request that parents already with children in the school enrol as early as possible.


Icy Pole Sales - Friday Zooper Dooper Sales - 50 cents 

Children can bring 50 cents to school to purchase a Zooper Dooper on a Friday - a maximum of 2 zooper doopers can be purchased. 

All profits raised from the sales will go to our Kadasig Social Justice fundraising efforts.



‘No Hat - No Play’

 Our school has a ‘No Hat – No Play’ SunSmart policy, therefore all children are required to wear their school hat to school, at all outdoor sessions and home from school. 

Please note that with the additions of the blue shade structures outside the Prep classrooms and the church we now have greater capacity for children to play in areas providing shade.


2024 School Calendar 

The 2024 School Calendar is available on the School Website. It can be found mid-way down on the front page under the heading ‘WHAT’S ON’.   We will endeavour, where possible, to remain true to the dates on the 2024 calendar. We would recommend that parents make a regular visit to the school website to see updates on all school events.






Audiri School App– Please ensure you download the Audiri App to get alerts for weekly newsletters, important announcements and reminders.





Paul Wakeling
