Pastoral Wellbeing

Our current school attendance rate is 87%. 95% is the ideal rate for students to benefit the most from their schooling. Let's work hard to give our students the best learning opportunities by getting them to school each day and on time.
Staff Wellbeing Project
St Mary's staff are participating in the Catholic Education Sandhurst Wellbeing Project. This research project is run in conjunction with Latrobe University and engages staff in the use of Positive Psychology. Positive Psychology strategies facilitate the building of personal wellbeing, as well as positive interactions with those around us.
"Looking for the good!"
Students are encouraged each break to look for the good in the behaviours of those around them. They then write up their observations on our "Looking for the good" wall in the classroom, to acknowledge the wonderful behaviour in our school! Here's a sample of some of the 'good' behaviours we have seen in our school this week: