Principals Report

Stephen O'Shannessy

At St Mary's, we believe in the power of collaborative learning, and to further enhance this partnership, we are excited to welcome our first Learning Conversations for the year. A goal-setting meeting that brings together students, parents & teachers, and learning conversations are purposeful gatherings where all parties engage in meaningful discussions about academic progress, personal growth, and future aspirations. These sessions provide a holistic view of a student's learning experience and foster a collaborative approach to their success.


During Learning Conversations, the focus is on setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). This strategic approach ensures that the goals are clear, attainable, and aligned with each student's abilities and ambitions. By establishing SMART goals, we create a roadmap that guides students toward success while instilling a sense of accountability and motivation.


Our staff can also discuss how we tailor educational experiences that suit individual needs, address challenges, and celebrate achievements. This collaborative effort strengthens the support system around each student, fostering a positive and enriching learning environment. We invite parents and guardians to actively participate in Learning Conversations, sharing insights, asking questions, and contributing to the goal-setting process. Your involvement is crucial in shaping a well-rounded educational experience for your child.


Staff Spirituality Day - Pupil Free Day  (Friday 8th March) 

We are delighted to inform you that on Friday, 8th March, St Mary's staff will attend the Northern Plains Hub - Spirituality Conference. This event is significant for our school's educators as it provides a unique opportunity to unite and enhance their faith formation.


The conference kicks off with a meaningful Mass and Dinner on Thursday evening, setting a spiritual tone for the enriching experiences to follow. Throughout the day on Friday, our staff will engage in sessions that delve into the teachings of the Gospel, fostering a deeper understanding of our faith.


This conference serves a dual purpose by contributing to our staff accreditation requirements and fostering spiritual connections. It underscores our commitment to providing continuous learning opportunities for our educators, ensuring they stay abreast of the latest developments in both education and spirituality.



As we approach the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) testing period, I wanted to take a moment to provide you with important information and assure you of our commitment to supporting your child through this process. NAPLAN is an essential tool that helps educators assess the progress of our students and identify areas where they may need additional support or enrichment. It provides valuable insights into their literacy and numeracy skills and helps educators determine effective teaching strategies to cater to individual needs better. 


Testing Dates: 13th - 21st March

While NAPLAN is designed to assess what students have learned over time, there is no need for extensive preparation. Encourage your child to approach the tests with a growth mindset and reassure them that the focus is on showcasing their skills and knowledge to help teachers. Comfort students by reinforcing that these tests are just one part of their overall learning journey, and the results will be used to help tailor their education. 


Once the results are available, we will analyse them carefully and use the information to enhance our teaching practices further. You will receive a report on your child's performance, providing insights into their strengths and areas for development.


Should you have any concerns or questions before, during, or after the testing period, please don't hesitate to reach out. We value open communication and are here to support both you and your child.


Kind Regards,