Teaching and Learning

Acquaintance Night
On Tuesday February 27th we invite families to visit our classrooms from 3.30-5.00. Come and see your child's classroom, meet their teacher and enjoy a sausage sizzle. More details to come but please put this date in your diary. We would love to connect with as many families as possible and share our learning with you all.
Term Overviews
Keep an eye out for your child's term overviews, which class teachers will be sending during next week, outlining the learning planned for this term. Students across the school will have a focus on reading, writing and oral language, and staff will be gathering data early in the term to make sure that teaching and learning is tailored to the needs of each class.
At the same time, teachers will focus on other curriculum areas that will connect with our local communities, our learning habits through the Bounce Back program, and our skills and dispositions in the class. Learning the skills of school is an important part of making sure everyone can access the curriculum learning from Birth to 6.
In the Preschool, there will continue to be a focus on how we communicate our learning using multiple methods, from speech, drawing, mark making and song. We are pleased to see how well our new reception students have settled in, and the transition work of the Preschool in preparing them for school has been clear to see.