From the Principal

Welcome to 2024 at Woodville Gardens School. We are looking forward to getting to know our new staff and students, and to continuing the great learning with our returning community members.
We would like to welcome our new staff members, Karina Perry (y4) Carlie De Donatis (Y2), Nicole Kiriakopoulos (Y1
), Angie Princi (Technologies), Nektaria Markovic (Jr Primary ARC class) and Bill Docherty (Y5/6). We are excited for the opportunity to learn new things from them, and to welcome them into our School.
As a school system, the Department for Education is embarking on a new strategy for education, and we will necessarily see a change in focus in some areas of education as a school in the next few years. As a school system, there are many changes ahead in terms of how we prepare our students for jobs of the future, and build their capacity to be flexible, critical learners. This will be a gradual change and in the meantime our focus on literacy, numeracy and developing the skills our learners need to be effective lifelong learners will continue.
We are looking forward to an exciting term of learning, including the usual highlights of swimming, NAPLAN, acquaintance night (and community expo) and parent teacher interviews. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for the latest information.
We look forward to seeing you all around the school.