Fantastic 3/4

Term 1 Week 4 2024 


What have we been up to? 

The 3/4 year level has continued to have a fabulous start to the year, with students engaging in so many fun and exciting activities, showing great enthusiasm and eagerness to learn. 


In Literacy, the students have continued to work on what a great sentence looks like. We have been using the acronym S.A.V.E.D, for students to use as a checklist when they create their sentences. This stands for subject, adjective, verb,to express my idea and does my sentence make sense? We have also begun our new spelling approach as a cohort called Morpheme Magic. These lessons make a powerful contribution to word reading and are built to create morphological awareness and provide engaging activities for students.  


In Maths, students have started looking at the place-value concept,  where they will be learning to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to at least tens of thousands. This week marked the beginning of students being split into groups between years 3-6, so students can excel in their point of need and be fluid from unit to unit.


In inquiry, students have begun looking at the first fleet. During this unit students will learn about Australia's first settlers, how they arrived here and the history of Australia.

In science, students began to look at chemical sciences. This week we started off exploring natural materials such as trees, minerals and the sun. Students also were introduced to the term ecological footprint, brainstorming ideas of how we can improve our own ecological footprint through our daily actions.




Here are some photo highlights:



Important reminders:

  • Please don’t forget to bring in your hats and water bottles as we have had and will be having more hot days. 
  • If you have not bought any school supplies yet, please make sure you purchase them through our school supplier, KAKA Kids School Supplies.
  • If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email your child's classroom teacher.