Art & Technology 

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Unit 3 Systems Engineering

The Unit 3 Systems Engineering class has hit the ground running this year, starting to develop their SAT Project ideas as well as brushing up, and expanding, on our knowledge from Units 1 & 2. This week, they spent some time investigating the Law of the Lever and practicing writing up, and running, practical test procedures and results. Balancing our levers proved to be trickier than imagined, but our budding Engineers didn't shy away from the challenge and ended up with some impressive arrangements!


Unit 1 Systems Engineering

Our Unit 1 Systems Engineering class has been learning about the different types of energy, motion, and forces that underpin systems, and how they work, over the past two weeks. Today, they got the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding by building and analysing some simple systems using Lego. Their systems needed to demonstrate the four different types of motion and five different types of forces that act on a structure. After building, students had to take photos and videos of their systems, upload, and annotate these to identify and describe not only the types of motion and forces present, but also energy conversions that were occurring, and how all of these things related to and impacted each other. It was great to see our students having a go at designing and building some simple systems, and seeing how much they could manage in a single system using just Lego!

Claire Baillie

Art & Technology