
Hello Everyone,
Welcome to Visual Arts 2024. The art room has been buzzing with enthusiasm and excitement the last two days as we have been working on a whole school collaborative art project that is inspiring the students to think about how they are going to 'fly' at OLGC in 2024. Please keep an eye out for it around the school in the coming weeks.
We have also started the year by discussing the expected behaviours in the art room and discussed topics or artists students would like to learn more about. It has been great to hear all of their different ideas and interests.
I would like to say a very big thank you to Olivia Davies and Isla Botha for their help get the art room cleaned up, sorted and ready for the new school year last week. It was very much appreciated.
Finally could I please ask that your children are sent to school with an art smock over the next few weeks. Classroom teachers will be collecting them up and storing them in the classroom. Please make sure they are clearly labelled.
Looking forward to exploring our creativity this term.
Tess Fowkes