Digital Technologies

Welcome back to a new school year.
I know I have sent many Operoo eforms out to you to complete over the past couple of weeks. Here is a reminder for the eforms you should have completed:
ICT User Agreement
Photo Permission
Year 3 & 4 Chromebook Agreements
GAFE Permission (for Preps and some students who have yet to do this)
Updating your child's medical information was also required and may have meant you had to fill in a Risk Minimisation Plan for Asthma, Allergies or Anaphylaxis. Plus you need to upload an action plans.
If you child requires medication to be taken or administered at school then you go into "Your eforms" in Operoo and fill out a Medical Authority Form.
There is also a form you can now fill out for any extended leave you may be planning to have in "Your eforms" section.
Finally a reminder to enable push notifications for Operoo. We sent out a couple push notifications at the end of last year and plan to utilise this function more this year so you don't want to miss out.
An email was sent out Friday afternoon to alert you to a new way to notify the school of any absences your child has. We ask you to email the classroom teacher and also In the subject header please put in your child's name, class and date they are absent from school. This will help to streamline our procedures.
Over the school holidays a lot of improvements and additions have been made to our school's IT infrastructures. The school has now installed a much needed new server and wifi access points. This will mean a lot faster internet for students and staff and will also cope better with all of the devices we now have.
The desktop computers in the lab are now gone (they were 10 years old!) and the students in STEM will now all use Chromebooks, as well as iPads. The Year 3 & 4 students now have their own Chromebooks that they will take through until Year 6. Year 5 & 6 students will continue to use the schools Chromebooks. Year 1 & 2 now have school supplied Chromebooks in their classrooms ready to use when required. There are also iPads in each classroom.
We are very lucky at St.James to be so well resourced.
If you have any questions or need assistance with any Operoo functions please email me at
Nadine Jones
E Learning Leader
STEMMS Teacher