Physical Education

Welcome back to term 1! I hope you have had a fabulous summer break and ready for a fun filled 2024 :)
Just some updates this week while we get back into the swing of things!
Meet your new 2024 Sport Captains
Introducing Lily Cleary and Archer Eslick as our sport captains for 2024. Two very enthusiastic sportspeople that I am very looking forward to working with this year. Here are a few questions I asked them both to answer for you to get to know them.
Lily Cleary
What are your favourite sports? My favourite Sports are AFL, Cricket and Netball.
An achievement or hidden talent you may have that people don't know about you? In the holidays I played rep cricket for Box Hill.
What are you looking forward to doing as Sport Captain this year? I am looking forward to introducing younger people to sport and opening clubs and just helping Mrs Wall out when she needs it.
Archer Eslick
What are your favourite sports? Football, Cricket and Basketball
An achievement or hidden talent you may have that people don't know about you? I played rep cricket.
What are you looking forward to doing as sports captain this year? I'm looking forward to introducing myself to younger ones and starting a sports club.
Dates for the Diary in Term 1
Wednesday 28th February - District Swimming (selected students)
Tuesday 26th March - Year 4 Gala Day
Swimming Trials
To start preparing for our first District event in 2024, if your child would like to try out for the District Swimming Team, please click here to register their interest along with what strokes. They must be turning 9 by the end of 2024 and must be able to swim 50m safely.
Details: Wednesday 14th February
Time: 7.30am till 8.30am
Venue: Aquanation - Corner Greenwood Avenue and, Reilly St, Ringwood VIC 3134
You will need to drop your child at the venue, stay with your child while they try out and then bring them along to school.
Any questions, don’t hesitate to email me.
Team Vic Key Dates
At this time of year some parents will ask me about how their child can apply for a spot in the SSV Team. Here you will find the key dates for when registrations will open for each of the sports. Here you will find an information sheet that may help answer any questions you may have. Team Information sheet - here
Soccer after-school program
Our Soccer Program is returning after school again this year. It is run by S4S on the SJV oval and starts at 3.45pm and finishes around 4.30pm.
You can register your interest here at
Any questions, check out the flyer here and email or give Peter a call. This is a fabulous program, the students enjoyed the team at our PE lessons last year and those who attended really enjoyed the program.
Any uniforms you may have from last year, if you could please return by next week. Just trying to do a bit of a stocktake so we can get ready for the various competitions this year.
Have a great start to term.
Stay well, stay active
Catherine Wall
Health & PE Teacher
Sport Coordinator