Literacy and Numeracy

Welcome Back / Mathletics

Welcome back to the 2024 school year. I hope everyone had a restful break. 

Just a reminder that every student in the school has access to a Mathletics account. They can sign in through their Google Account. Students will also be given a username and a password over the first few weeks as an 

alternative way of logging in. Any issues, please don't hesitate to contact your classroom teacher or myself. 

Have a terrific first week. 




Josh Crowe



Welcome to 2024!  I hope that everyone had a great break.  


A big thank you to all of our St James families for your support of our Assessment Days. These sessions have a dual purpose; the first being that your child is able to begin to form a relationship with their new teacher in a small group setting and are able to familiarise themselves with their new setting.  Secondly, a large amount of data is able to be collected in a relatively short amount of time.  This data provides an immediate starting point for your child's learning.  Assessment tasks included spelling, dictation, number skills, reading and comprehension and a writing sample.  Our junior students also had a focus on letter and sound knowledge. 


Have a great week!


Louise Matthews

Literacy Leader/Intervention Teacher