P & F Newsletter

Welcome to Term 1!
Friday Treats will begin this Friday the 9th February.
Some information for our new families;
Each Friday during the term, parent volunteers assist with selling a treat from the kitchen to the children.
During Term 1 we sell icy poles for 50c each. Each child is allowed to purchase one only and we do not have the ability to facilitate IOU’s.
This is an exciting opportunity for the children to have a small canteen experience, learn skills around money handling and is also a school fundraiser.
Purchasing a Friday Treat is not compulsory. If your child would like to participate please send them with money in a small purse or wallet, most children have a little coin purse attached to their school bag.
At 2pm the Prep teachers will assemble the children and line them up at the smaller kitchen window and help them with their purchase. Older children will line up at the bigger window inside the community centre.
We encourage any and all parents and family members that have completed the relevant volunteer course to sign up to Friday Treats when they can!
It’s fun and children love to see their family at school!
Please click on the link and follow the instructions.
Have a great week :-)