From the Principal

Ms Fiona McAuliffe

Creating Success Together in 2024

Dear Good News Lutheran College (GNLC) Community


Welcome to the commencement of the 2024 school year! At GNLC we are committed to providing a welcoming environment where every student can feel God’s love and thrive. Our goal is to help every student develop not only academically, but also to reflect the College's core values of Grace, Respect, Integrity and Courage. We believe in fostering a sense of community, where everyone feels valued and respected. I also wish to remind students and families of the importance of taking advantage of the opportunities that will be available to them. Get involved in extracurricular activities, ask questions, and challenge yourself to be the best you can be. Our dedicated staff are here to support you every step of the way. Learning is a lifelong journey, and I encourage you to embrace the challenges and growth that come with it. 


This year, GNLC will officially shift to a two-tiered sub-school system, with Primary Years and Secondary Years. We are thrilled about this new development and the many benefits it will provide to student learning and pastoral care programs. You will also have the support of the elected student leaders. I want to congratulate all student leaders for 2024, which are proudly listed in the link below:


Please do not hesitate to contact the College should you have any questions or if our staff can help you in any way. With your help, I look forward to making this school year a great one and ‘Creating Success Together’!


Ms Fiona McAuliffe

College Principal