Safer Internet Day

Dear Parents and Carers,


There are various strategies in place at Mackellar Primary School to ensure that our actions around protecting children are proactive and preventative.  Every year, our school participates in Safer Internet Day. Throughout the week, educators  teach multiple lessons that are recommended by eSafety Victoria and the Deptartment of Education. The themes are around connecting safely, reflecting before you act and protecting yourselves and others by taking action.   We highly recommend that parents/carers access the extensive information available at .


eSafety Victoria offer webinars for parents and carers.  If you would like to attend any of the following live webinars, you may access them at .


These live webinars give parents and carers the knowledge, skills and tools to support their children to have safe online experiences:

Mackellar Primary School’s Digital Learning Policy is located on the school’s website under the Child Safe Standards link: .


Acceptable Use Agreement

Students from Grades 3 to 6 will revisit the Acceptable Use Agreement this week which is a contract outlining clear expectations for students when using technology.  The Agreement requires a signature from students, parents/carers and teachers to ensure that we are all on the same page about safety when using technology.

Kind Regards,

Tanya Lindsay-Clark