Junior School Council

Introducing our Grade 6 Student Leaders

School Captain

Hello, my name is Giorgia and I am in 6A.  I am delighted to be one of the school captains for Mackellar Primary School this year.  I feel so glad that I was voted for this position.  This is an exciting opportunity for me because I am a positive role model for our values to other students. I listen to K-pop and I love dancing and singing.

School Captain

My name is Levi and I am in 6A.  I am really excited about being School Captain at Mackellar Primary School for 2024.  I will do my best to create opportunities for students to have a say about things that mean a lot to them.  I am looking forward to the year and all of the special events that I will be leading with the team. I am passionate about sport and I also love Maths!

Vice School Captain

Hi, my name is Jennissa from 6A and I am thrilled to be Mackellar’s Vice School Captain this year.  I am inspired to be a positive role model for younger students and I hope to help them live up to the school values.  I love school and my other interests include digital art and drawing, and I always enjoy watching a good movie!

Vice School Captain

Hello, my name is Tarzan and I am looking forward to being the new Vice Captain because there will be so much to learn and I will be able to strengthen my personal qualities.  I am in 6A and excited to be a role model at Mackellar.  I’ll do my best to make sure students feel welcome at our school by being friendly and supportive, especially if they need help.

Blue House Captain

Hello, my name is Ocean and I am in 6A.  I am very happy to have the opportunity to be Blue House Captain at Mackellar this year.  I am looking forward to working with others to make school improvements to whatever we decide, as well as creating exciting and unforgettable experiences for our students.  I also want to make sure that everyone’s voice is heard.  I love sport and I believe that it’s important that students have a chance to participate and try new things.

Yellow House Captain

Hello, my name is Zoe.  I am in 6A and Mackellar’s Yellow House Captain for 2024. I’ve always aspired to be part of the leadership team because it is an opportunity for me to be a great role model for other students by always demonstrating our school values.  I also love helping other students and I want to help to make school improvements for everyone.  Aside from school, I really like listening to music and playing badminton and volleyball.

Red House Captain

Hi!  My name is Delio and I am in 6B.  I am really excited to be your 2024 Red House Captain.  I applied for this position because I want to support the school when we have special events such as Athletics Day and Harmony Day.  I also want to help to make the school a better place, even though it’s already great!  Being a leader will also help me to conquer my fear of public speaking and talking to large crowds.  Outside of the classroom, I enjoy playing soccer and down ball.

Green House Captain

Hi everyone, my name is Chelsea and I am super excited to be your Green House Captain for 2024!  I am in 6B and Mackellar Primary School means so much to me so I feel very proud to be on the student leadership team.  I want to support other students by helping them to solve problems if they need advice.  I also want to get everyone involved when we have wonderful whole school events.