What's Happening In Grade 6

Term One in Grade 6


The Grade 6 students have settled well into the new school year and are becoming aware of the expectations and routine of the classroom. Below is a summary of the areas of learning the Grade 6 students will be working on during term one this year.



During Reading, the students will examine the structure of Response and Discussion Texts, and this will be aligned to their work in writing. They will study verb types, tenses, persuasive language such as hyperboles, rhetorical questions, modality, conjunctions, and transitional phrases. In Literature, students will read and respond to a wide range of digital and printed texts including art works, picture story books and novels. They will read informative texts and research from websites. Students will view and discuss issues from the TV program ‘Behind The News’ where they will learn about world events and become aware of what’s happening around them. Reading groups will be an opportunity for students to work in small groups with the teacher and focus on decoding and answering comprehension questions based on the text they are reading. Students will be borrowing books from the school library to take home which will be of interest to them. 



During Writing sessions, students will be revising the structure of a response text. Students will be learning about the language features and the purpose of writing a response. There will be many opportunities for students to write responses and express their opinions about artwork, short Pixar films and books we will be reading. Following on from response writing, students will also explore the structure of discussion writing and there will be a focus on writing strong arguments with evidence and time connectives. 



This term in Mathematics the Grade 6s will be developing and consolidating their knowledge of place value, prime and composite numbers and integers. Students will explore positive and negative numbers in real life situations, for example temperature. Students will then explore the ordering of fractions and decimals by using manipulatives and technology.  Students will investigate angles on a straight line, to a point, they will identify unknown angles measuring to the correct degree and they will name the types of angles they will be working with. Students will define and investigate the properties of 2D shapes. 


Every Friday morning all the Grade 5 and 6 students will be participating in the interschool sports program which aims to provide opportunities for our students to develop skills through a sports program of training and competitive experiences.  The interschool sports program connects students to the wider community and promotes teamwork and good sportsmanship. 


Judy Tanner - 6A

Kerry Pasharis - 6B