Awards & Recognitions

Empowering Global Citizens

 Students of the Week

Monday 5th February

Edward6AEdward completed his tasks independently this week in Food Technology
Vivian4BFor displaying a keen interest in our class discussions, expressing her curiosity and sharing her ideas and understandings with her peers on her first day back at a school. What an impressive start to your year, Vivian! Congratulations!
Gurtaj1AMaking such a wonderful start to the school year and ready for learning.
Amy1BFor being an excellent listener and a ready, eager, and enthusiastic learner. Great job Amy!
Tina6Ademonstrating a positive attitude to learning by striving to achieve her best, using time effectively and taking pride in her work.
Brooklyn3Aalways listening to instructions and helping set up and pack up activities. Well done Brooklyn! 
Chelsea6Bsharing her knowledge of response writing with the grade.  What a great start to the year Chelsea. Keep it up!
Star-Jesus5Benthusiastic participation in class discussions.
Thomas3Asettling well into the classroom routine and always focussing on completing set tasks. Welcome to Mackellar Thomas.
Shanaya2Ba wonderful beginning to her learning journey at Mackellar Primary School. Congratulations on a very settled start to Grade 2!
Aisha2Aher very thoughtful contributions to our small group and whole class discussions. Congratulations Aisha on being such a reflective learner!
Vivian4Bexpressing her curiosity and wonderings and sharing her ideas and knowledge with her teachers and peers, during her first week back at school. What a fabulous beginning to your year! Congratulations Vivian!
Violet3Bher excellent work ethic in the classroom and taking pride in the presentation of her work.
Aarav5Alearning how to use a protractor, drawing compass and Mathomat to create a detailed Mandala for his locker. Awesome achievement Aarav!
Jamie4Aa wonderful beginning to your learning journey at Mackellar Primary School. Congratulations Jamie on getting to know your new teachers and peers. We hope you enjoy your time at your new school.




Monday 5th February