Year 12 Formal

Saturday 2 March

We are excited to share the official 2024 Senior Formal invitation with our Year 12 Parents/Carers. All Year 12 students have received this invite. 



On the night, students are to be dropped off under the clock arbour in the driveway. We have arranged for an official photographer to be present during the evening and this will include photographs being taken of the students as they arrive at the venue.  Once the students have arrived, they are to make their way straight to the Deck. 


There will not be a pre-formal event at Hillstone as the venue will not be able to accommodate such a large number of students, their partners and parents. Therefore parents/carers will not be able to access the Deck, or the Grandview Room. However, there is the “Hundred Acre Bar” on the premises if you wish to dine at this venue, and you are encouraged to make a booking in advance if you are doing so.



The Formal is being held on a Saturday this year and therefore no provisions have been made for students to be absent from school to attend appointments for hair, make-up, etc. It is expected that all appointments will be made outside of school hours. In addition, students have one week grace to remove false nails and lashes.


While some significance is placed upon this evening, we do encourage students to keep the cost of the evening in perspective. As a College, we do not encourage the use of limousines and other extravagances. If you have any concerns about this expectation, please do not hesitate to contact the College.



We strongly urge you to discuss any post-Formal arrangements with your young person. The risks to personal safety, wellbeing and reputation faced by students attending these parties are genuine and need to be weighed carefully against any perceived pleasure they may add to the evening. Please be mindful that word spreads very quickly when post-Formal gatherings are mentioned, often despite the best intentions of participants to keep the gathering 'closed'. The decision to attend is, however, one for parents/carers and their young person – it is not a decision that can be made by the College. Please be aware that under no circumstances should any 'post' Formal event be advertised or booked making any reference to the College.  


The official College function concludes at 10.30pm, and no College supervision is available after that time. Please arrange for the prompt pick up of your child and partner from the venue.