Leadership Report

We want to celebrate the smooth and positive start to the school year. We are impressed with how students have actively contributed and participated in their first unit of learning, setting a positive learning environment culture within their communities.
A special shout out to our Prep learning community, who have made an incredible and fabulous start to their schooling. Walking through their spaces each day, it is hard to believe they have been at school for such a short period. Congratulations to these little legends on their great efforts.
Thank you to all our families who have made contributions for student materials and other educational costs through Compass. These contributions are greatly appreciated and ensure we can continue to provide rich learning experiences across all areas of the curriculum for our students. If you require any support on how to do this, please do not hesitate to contact the office, and the team will be more than happy to provide assistance.
Since our communications went out earlier in the week, it has been fantastic to see improved practices during pick-up and drop-off times. We appreciate the collective support of our whole school community in ensuring all our students and families arrive and leave school safely every day.
The excitement is building as we are now only three weeks away from our 2nd Annual Colour Run here at OPPS. For those who have not participated in this event previously, it is an afternoon of fun and excitement as students take on the challenge of navigating our obstacle course while being covered in lots of colored dye. A big thank you to those students who have already set up their fundraising portals online and have begun raising funds for this event. We appreciate the support of our Parents and Friends group in coordinating this exciting event. Below is a link to a really cool video showcasing last year’s event. Check it out!!
On Tuesday, we had our Pancake Tuesday Fundraiser. Students spent the morning enjoying some delicious pancakes with their classmates. We want to thank our wonderful community for all their generous donations of maple syrup, jams, lemons, and fruit. All funds raised will go towards purchasing rewards for our Spark Buck Prize menu.
It is hard to believe that it is already the end of Week 3 of Term 1! The students have settled very nicely into our classroom routines and are ready to formally begin reading at home.
Research shows that primary school students should engage in regular reading practice. Students will soon start taking home books to complete their at-home reading. At Orchard Park Primary School, our homework policy is for all students to engage in 10-20 minutes of reading each night. This will be the only set homework. The expectation is for all students to be reading five days a week, building their stamina up to 20 minutes a day.
In order for your child to take readers home, they must be using their book satchel (available from the uniform shop). Students will be taking home two levelled books and one interest book. Each year level will communicate their preferred borrowing day, but students are expected to bring their satchel to school every day.
We encourage you to enjoy a variety of reading opportunities with your child, such as reading to them, reading with them, and having them read to you. It is more than okay for your child to read independently; however, we ask you to talk with your child about their reading.
We thank you for your ongoing support with your child’s learning at Orchard Park.