
Bairnsdale Show
We had an excellent representation of students Visual Art at the Annual Bairnsdale Show this year. A Blue ribbon ‘First Place’ award was given to William of year 7 for his tonal drawing. There were also several second place and highly commended awards received by our students. Congratulations to all our students who received awards.
Senior Art Show
On Monday 13th November we had the 'official' opening of the Senior Arts Show. The exhibition was an opportunity to showcase the amazing work produced by our senior arts students. Our show was opened by East Gippsland Art Director Crystal Stubbs.
The opening was attended students, families and community members. We were absolutely thrilled by the number of people who attended the evening. Guests were treated to 169 pieces of art produced by our very talented senior students in various mediums. As people wandered through the show they had the opportunity to listen to music performed by our amazing instrumental music students.
Well done to everyone involved!
Year 9 Macro Photography
Print making - year 8G
Year 10 - Tiny Worlds
Year 10 Drawing paste-ups for Tiny Worlds task, each ‘world’ confined to the size of a brick.