Principal's Message

WOW – What an exciting week we had last week and next week is building to be the same!
Last week we went from:
Monday - The Art exhibition, showcasing the fabulous talent that we have in the College, plus of course all the hard word put in by our Art team. As an aside – keep an eye out for the art work on the front and back covers of the Kinaway our College magazine.
Tuesday was the Clontarf Academy awards, where the large numbers who turned out was incredible and we celebrated the amazing achievements of our students who are part of the academy.
Then on Thursday evening we had the year 12 graduation night, which packed the Riviera Christina Centre with around 600 people.
There are some absolutely fantastic photo’s of each of these events in other sections of this newsletter – be sure to find the time to have a look!
So, as I always say – pop that on top of 5 days of teaching and classes and yes indeed – It was busy! Thanks so much to all the staff and hard work that goes on behind the scenes to make all of this happen. Well done to all!
This week we have had a trip to the Buchan Caves and the Lakes Entrance Coast Guard centre. The feedback from staff and students has been outstanding, they loved it. For some of the year 8 students the opportunity to be on board a coast guard cruiser, powered by 2 x 300HP motors was the highlight. Again , thanks so much for all the planning and preparation that happens behind the scenes.
This week is also full of the 'buzz' around students transitioning to the next year level. So, as of next Tuesday our current year 7 students will begin their life as a year 8, the current 8 students become year 9 and so on. This process has already rolled over for our current year 11 students, who have had 2 full weeks of year 12 classes. Please remember transition starts this is Tuesday, because Monday 27th November is a student free day for teachers to write their reports.
I have spoken a bit this week to both staff and students about being responsive and not being reactive as a bit of pressure builds around change – this can sometimes be the case. If you feel that your child is nervous about the move to the next year level (or anything else) please be sure to contact the relevant Hub staff to discuss. Or if you like, I am happy to chat about it with you.
I hope that you have a fantastic weekend ahead and I look forward to the many adventures of the next couple of weeks! Talk then.
Thanks for reading. Always happy to chat – just make an appointment.
Trudie Nagle
Executive Principal