Principal's Report 


As the end of term swiftly approaches, I want to remind you of some important dates. Our family Christmas party is on Tuesday, December 19th, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. We're excited for a fun evening to celebrate our successful year at school. There will be a BBQ, tasty salads and fruit, an animal farm for the kids, an ice cream truck, and Santa Claus! We're looking forward to celebrating together!


Just a friendly reminder that the final day of school for students is on Tuesday December 19th. Students finish at 2.00pm on this day.



With the warmer weather, please remember to apply sunscreen to your child before they arrive at school. Please make sure your child has a hat in their bag for outdoor activities. It helps keep our students safe. Thank you for your cooperation.   




Most of the capital works have now reached completion. The new playgrounds are finished with our students being able to enjoy the new spaces.  Phase two of the capital works will be refurbishing two relocatables which we are hoping to be finished by second term 2024.




A friendly reminder to exercise heightened caution while parking on school premises. Kindly drive at walking pace and remain patient during student drop-off and pick-up times. Ensuring the safety of our students is our utmost priority.




Monash SDS prioritises the safety of every student, staff member, and our wider school community. Following the Department of Education guidelines, we maintain an updated, all-encompassing Emergency Management Plan. This plan is designed to cover prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery procedures for handling various emergency incidents and is regularly reviewed and revised.

Recognising the critical role of communication during emergencies, at Monash SDS, we rely on our school's Compass app to disseminate vital information. Notifications and texts will be sent out promptly via this platform in the event of any emergency situation. To ensure effective communication, it's essential that the school possesses accurate and current emergency contact information for all individuals involved.

In line with the Department of Education regulations, Monash SDS conducts necessary drills, including practice evacuations, throughout the year. These drills are part of our commitment to preparedness and safety measures, ensuring that everyone in our school community is well-equipped to respond appropriately in case of any emergency scenario.


Kind Regards

Sandra Battisti

Acting Principal