Happy Chanukah to our community!

Chanukah is a special holiday celebrated by Jewish people around the world. It usually happens in December, and it lasts for eight days. The story behind Chanukah is really exciting! When the Jewish people were rebuilding their Temple, they found that there was only enough oil to light the menorah (a special candle holder with eight branches, Chanukiya ) for one day. Miraculously, the oil lasted for eight days, which was enough time for them to get more oil.


To celebrate this miracle, Jewish families light a special candle on the Menorah(Chanukiya) each night of Chanukah. Families also eat delicious foods, like potato pancakes called latkes and jam-filled doughnuts called Sufganiyot.

Kids play a fun game with a spinning top called a "dreidel" (Sevivon) The dreidel has four Hebrew letters on it,  each letter stands for a word that symbolises the miracle that happened. Children also play a game and the letters tell you what to do with your Sevivon. It's a game of chance and is a lot of fun!


So, Chanukah is a time for families to come together, light candles, eat yummy food, play games, and remember the miracle of the oil. It's a happy and joyful celebration!