Principal Team's Message

Our Assistant Principals reflect on term four

Mobile Phone Ban Reminder 📱🚫

A reminder that the Department of Education has in place a mobile phone ban that requires students who bring mobile phones to school to have them switched off and securely put away during school hours. 


The department is requiring all schools to ensure this ban is in place and enforced from the start of the 2024 school year. The ban applies equally to all government schools right across the state. 


This helps ensure that school is a learning environment free from unnecessary distractions and disruptions. By ensuring mobile phones are kept away at brunch and lunch times, students can interact with each other face-to-face, without the distractions and social pressures that mobile phones can cause. 


John Lane 

Junior Sub School  


I would like to recognise and thank the Junior Sub School student management team for their exceptional efforts in supporting, encouraging and motivating our students at Yr 7 and 8. Led by Mel Casha, the Sub School has had a great year in setting students up for their secondary school education. Mel’s leadership and care for student learning and wellbeing is exemplary and had been incredibly well supported by Olivia Kosorog at Yr 8 and Narelle Shadboldt and Jacob Gaut at Year 7. I would like to wish Narelle all the best as she departs Sunbury College for a sea change. Narelle’s service to Sunbury College and the LP7 team has spanned many years and left a lasting impression.  


Our Significant teachers at Year 7 including Jen Lane, Jess Watson, Alice Clifford and Macaulay Davidson have played a key role in successfully transitioning students from primary school into Year 8. Their efforts and energy have been commendable.  


Jenny Metcalf has been central to the effective and smooth running of the subschool in 2023. Jenny has been able to set up some great processes and communications with our families and has played a key role in transitioning our new 2024 Year 7 cohort. Jenny is moving on in 2024 and I would like to pass on my gratitude for the professional and thoughtful approach she has taken in her Education Support role in 2023, she will be missed. We welcome Rachel Toal to the role of Sub School support in 2024.  



Toilets 🚻

Sunbury College is fortunate to have secured additional toilets for both staff and students in 2024. Late December will see the installation of two relocatable toilet buildings. These additions will be coupled with some changes to how our existing facilities are accessed by students. These changes will be communicated through signage and assemblies in early term 1, 2024. Notably, the upstairs ‘A block female toilet block’ will be limited to use by Yr 7, Yr 11 and Yr 12 female only and the new relocatable female toilets, which will be located near the red lockers, will be limited to the Yr 8, 9 and 10 female students only. Ultimately there will be more toilets available to all students with some designated toilet facilities for our female students. 5 unisex toilets will remain in place.  


Inclusive play space  🤾🏻‍♀️

After a few years of patiently waiting for our shovel-ready project, the new Sunbury College Playground, we can finally open and access the space. This space will provide a great opportunity for students to literally hang around and have fun with their friends. The space is directly adjacent to our main oval and can be viewed as one drive over the Macedon St bridge. When Craig O’Bree was in the Assistant Principal role, he worked closely with the VSBA to get the project up and we can now finally benefit from his hard work in this space.  


Synthetic grass 🌱

Synthetic grass will be installed over the summer break in the seated area in between the private student room and the P block. This will improve the aesthetics and the usability of the seated area.  


Wes Pfitzner 

Middle Sub School 


I would like to acknowledge the efforts of the Middle Sub School Team, it has been a dynamic year of events, learning and activities that have all been shaped around students having voice and input to ensure their experience of schooling and direction beyond VCE is future making. Thank you to Christine Polonidis for all your effort in Term 2 with planning and oversight for the Naarm Engagement Program, it was a real highlight for many students.  


A huge thank you to Megan FitzGerald for all your guidance and support for our Year 10 students, in what is a particularly important year preparing for VCE or an employment pathway. This work wouldn’t be possible without the Careers & Pathways Team. Josh Pritchard, Cecilia Hoey & Jane Cheeseman have provided many opportunities for students throughout the year to participate in exploration experiences that will help shape their careers, including work experience & the Morrisby Profiling.   


I would like to personally Thank the connect teachers and core subject teachers for both year levels, who have worked collaboratively and alongside the sub school all year to ensure that there is success for students across each of these areas. Alicia Gray has been important to the facilitation of this work during the year. Alicia is departing to further study next year and we wish her all the best as she progresses into the next stage of her Career.  


Congratulations to all students who have worked hard this year, demonstrating consistency, dedication and commitment to their studies. Many students have been acknowledged in recent weeks for both their work habits and subject awards.  



Throughout this term, the School Wide Positive Behaviour Team has worked with Connect teachers to collate student feedback and perspectives of what our classrooms should look, feel and sound like in 2024. Through this process, we have developed a clearer understanding of student understanding of our school values and how all members of the school community are responsible for how they meet the agreed expectations.  


The result of all this work with students and staff has resulted in a renewed matrix for Positive Behaviour Expectations in the classroom, over the break these will be installed in all classrooms. The SWPBS team next year will begin the process to do the same for the Positive Behaviour Expectations in the school yard. 


Fiona Scott-Young  

Senior School and Teaching & Learning team 

This term we farewelled our Year 12 cohort with a formal assembly, run through the whole school and last school day countdown. Our Year 12 students, families and friends also joined staff and school leaders for a wonderful BBQ in the sunshine to celebrate 13 years of school and reflect on their connections, achievements and enriching time at Sunbury College. On Thursday 30 November, we acknowledged the many achievements of our year 12’s at their Graduation held at Taylors Lakes Convention Centre. Academic excellence in VM and VCE VM, excellence in sports, leadership, performing arts and other extracurricular activities were celebrated amongst the cohort and families of Sunbury College. Our Inaugural School Council Award was also presented by our School Council President Rob Torcutti. Congratulations to the recipient of this award Azime Roads. We would like to acknowledge the amazing work and commitment that our School Council, led by Rob, made throughout the school year. We wish the class of 2023 all the very best in their future endeavours, pathways and careers. A big thank you to Sharee Ainsworth, Helen Richarson, Jo Little and Erin Pearce for their behind the scenes organisation of these big events. 


I want to personally thank our Senior School Leader Sarah Heath and Year 11 Coordinator Chris Fellows for their considered, enthusiastic, caring and highly supportive leadership that they demonstrate every day with our senior school students, families and staff. Our Careers and pathways team, Josh Pritchard and Cecilia Hoey, have also been instrumental in providing guidance and support to every student in our Senior School. A big thank you to our VM and VCE VM staff who work with our students daily to achieve successful outcomes through high expectations and a high level of support. 


I would also like to acknowledge our Key Learning Area Instructional Leaders in the school. Throughout the year, these leaders are responsible for developing engaging and relevant curriculum, assessment and pedagogy across their teams. This team has been led by Siobhan Shaw and Antony Montelone who share exceptional expertise in teaching and learning. We wish Siobhan all the very best as she takes family leave and know that Antony will continue all of the wonderful work in 2024. 


Holiday Messages 🌲

We would like to wish all Sunbury College students, parents, guardians and families a safe and happy summer break. The summer holidays provide a great opportunity to reflect upon another year, the success and challenges that took place and gives us a chance to look forward to next year. A new school year gives our young people an ideal platform to start fresh and build on previous success. It's with optimism I look forward to the new year and the opportunity that comes with for our students to grow in 2024. 



The Assistant Principal Team

Fiona, John & Wes