Mr. Justin Matt, Mr. Brad Vallance, Mr. Josh Willersdorf

Dear Parents/Guardians and the Community,


There has been lots happening within the school over the last few weeks and we have even more exciting opportunities coming up for our students.


Last week our Year 11 students’ completed end of year exams and participated in orientation day classes, preparing them for their year 12 subjects next year. We would like to congratulate these students on such a great year and look forward to seeing them all back in 2024.


Year 10 students have finished their end of year exams this week and will be participating in their orientation days next week, before finishing their school year on Friday, 8th December, 2023.


Year 9 students will either be on camp or Work Experience next week and Work Experience for all year 9’s the following week as well. Both camp and Work Experience provide such amazing experiences for these students and we want to congratulate the students on getting their placements organised. Big thanks to Mr McDermott who has organised the camp next week and the staff that will be attending. Also to Mrs Lewis and Mrs Alana Collier for all of their work helping organise Work Experience.


Year 8’s return home today after spending the last three days in the Adelaide Hills on camp. Students have had a fantastic time participating in a range of activities and we look forward to hearing more about it next week. We would like to thank the staff attending to make this camp possible, particularly Mr Anders for organising the camp.


We have our Grade 6 Orientation Day coming up on the 12th December, followed by our awards night on the 13th December. Any award winners will be invited via email over the next week, so please keep an eye out and rsvp as soon as possible to support with the preparation of the night.


During week 11 (11-14 December) all students will be participating in activities in the different domains of the school, so students will not be in regular classes. Friday the 15th December will be Swimming Pool day where students will spend lessons 3-6 at the Red Cliffs pool. There will also be domain led activities on the 18th and 19th of December, which will be the final two days for students.


We hope you all have a great weekend and look forward to seeing everyone at the Awards Night.


Mr. Josh Willersdorf

Acting Assistant Principal