Student Achievement Awards - 27th November

Class | Student | Achievement |
FA | Jonathan | Congratulations, Jonathan on an outstanding week at swimming, your enthusiasm was infectious! Your sense of responsibility stood out as you walked with your partner, remembering to hold their hand and maintain focus. Well Done! |
FH | Liam | Well done Liam, you have been a super learner inside and outside the classroom. You showed responsibility walking to and from swimming, you listened to your swim coach and showed respect. In class, you have followed instructions by using your listening ears and produced some fantastic work. Keep up the great job! |
1P | Shihali | Well done Shihali on trying so hard on your work on number families. You showed on your number line how addition and subtraction were related, and worked really hard to think of different number facts for your house. Great persistence and resilience Shihali! |
1S | Roarke | Congratulations on your awesome story writing. You wrote a beginning, middle and end to your story. You had some great adjectives to describe your nouns. I liked the use of your exclamation marks also. Keep up the great work! |
2J | Kayla | Well done Kayla on your excellent effort in Reading last week. You persevered when faced with challenges and gave it your all. Your hard work paid off and you moved to the next level in your reading. Keep up the great work! |
3B | Anvika | Congratulations Anvika for a fabulous first Semester at Syndal South. You have settled into the classroom routines and made some wonderful new friends. Your positive attitude towards all learning tasks is fabulous to see. Keep up the amazing effort! |
3P | Pahanya | Congratulations Pahanya on your wonderful learning about money. You carefully created a catalogue of items with prices in dollars and cents. You calculated the correct change using numberlines and vertical subtraction. Your work was neatly set out and beautifully presented. Well done! |
3P | Bruce | Well done Bruce on the story plan you developed in Health lessons. You created an interesting character and described his personal characteristics. You made a great start on the story and described the problem the character faced. I can't wait to read your published story. Well done! |
3P | Stacy | Well done Stacy on your work this week on our class text Wandi. You completed sentences using the conjunctions 'because', 'but' and 'so' and changed the endings to suit. You also identified the important events in the story and used evidence to support your ideas. Well done! |
5GP | Andy | Congratulations to Andy for making a wonderful transition to SSPS from China. He has made new friends and enjoyed helping other EAL students with understanding classroom instructions and activities. Andy has worked hard in Mrs Oliver’s English lessons, improving his conversation skills and reading ability. Keep it up, Andy! |
5H | Nayanka | Congratulations Nayanka on being such a considerate and thoughtful classmate. You always look out for others and provide assistance without being asked. Your compassion and kind hearted nature are to be commended. Keep up the fantastic attitude! Well done! |
6D | Riley | Congratulations Riley on your amazing organisational skills. It is a pleasure to see you make sure all your leadership responsibilities are completed with such enthusiasm. Your are a Super Star! |
6S | Shenaaya | Congratulations Shenaaya on always being enthusiastic during group activities. I have loved seeing you sharing your ideas and helping to guide your Graduation skit group during rehearsal time. Keep up the great work, I can't wait to see the end product. |