Upcoming Events

Term 2

Friday 26th July

QKR - Payment CLOSE for Mad About Science - Year 6

Pyjama Day - Gold Coin Donation via QKR

QKR - Payment OPEN for Aerobics Nationals


Monday 29th July

Senior School Assembly - LPAC - Year 6 presenting

Year 5 + 6 - Police Talk (Social Media)

QKR - Payment OPEN for Cadbury Box Orders


Tuesday 30th July

International Friendship Day


Wednesday 31st July

100 days of Prep

Year 5 - Footsteps


Friday 2nd August 

Principal's Day

Year 6 - Mad About Science

PFA Meeting - 9am


Monday 5th August

Junior School Assembly - LPAC - Year 2 presenting


Wednesday 7th August

Year 5 - Footsteps

QKR - Payment OPEN for Pevan + Sarah - Prep

QKR - Payment CLOSE for Supreme Incursions - Year 3


Friday 9th August

Father's Day Free Dress - Gold Coin via QKR

QKR - Payment CLOSE for Melbourne Zoo - Prep

QKR - Payment CLOSE for FISAF Future Champions Cup


Monday 12th August

Whole School Assembly - Outside Stage - Above + Beyond

QKR - Payment CLOSE for Cadbury Box Orders


Wednesday 14th August

Year 3 - Supreme Incursions

Year 5 - Footsteps

QKR - Payment CLOSE for Mill Valley Ranch - Year 4


Thursday 15th August

Father's Day Rafflelink OPEN


Friday 16th August

National Day Against Bullying

Prep - Melbourne Zoo


Monday 19th August

Book Week

Grandparent's Day

QKR - Payment OPEN for Year 1 + 2 Swimming


Tuesday 20th August

Book Week

QKR - Payment CLOSE for Reptile Encounters - Year 1


Wednesday 21st August

Book Week

Book Parade

QKR - Permission CLOSE for EMC Visit - Year 5


Thursday 22nd August

Book Week


Friday 23rd August

Book Week

Year 6 - Murdoch District Basketball Competition

QKR - Payment CLOSE for Aerobics Nationals


Monday 26th August

QKR - Payment OPEN for Footy Pie Day


Tuesday 27th August

Year 4 - Father's Day Stall

Year 6 - Graduation Photos


Wednesday 28th August

Year 4 - Mill Valley Ranch Camp

Year 5 - EMC Transition Day

Year 6 - District Basketball


Thursday 29th August

Year 4 - Mill Valley Ranch Camp

Father's Day Stall

Father's Day Rafflelink CLOSE and DRAWN


Friday 30th August

Year 4 - Mill Valley Ranch Camp

Trivia Night Tickets OPEN via Trybooking

Father's Day Stall

Cadbury Boxes


Monday 2nd September

Senior School Assembly - LPAC - Year 5 presenting


Tuesday 3rd September

Year 1 - Reptile Encounters


Wednesday 4th September

QKR - Payment CLOSE for Pevan + Sarah - Prep

QKR - Payment CLOSE for Phillip Island Camp - Year 3


Thursday 5th September

Prep - Musical Photos


Friday 6th September

Year 6 - Musical Photos


Monday 9th September

Junior School Assembly - LPAC - Year 1 presenting

QKR - Payment CLOSE for Footy Pie Day


Wednesday 11th September

Murdoch District Athletics


Thursday 12th September

RU OK Day!


Friday 13th September

Matinee 1 - Prep V + Prep C


Monday 16th September

Whole School Assembly - Outside Stage - Above + Beyond

Prep - 6 - Musical Night 1


Tuesday 17th September

Matinee 2 - Prep H + Prep W


Wednesday 18th September

Prep - 6 Musical Night 2


Friday 20th September

Footy Pie Day

Footy Parade

Term 3 ends - 2.30pm dismissal