Parent Information

Beleza Sale



Dear Parents,


Over the next few weeks, we will be opening several excursions/incursions for payment on QKR.


We are asking that before you pay for anything can you please call the office on 9789 7346 or email to check for any credits you might have. We have a lot of credits sitting on students’ statements due to the couple of years we were in and out of lockdowns. This is money you have paid but the excursions/incursion didn't go ahead. 


I have had a lot of families think they didn’t have any but when they have contacted us they are pleasantly surprised and have an amount that can be used to towards a current excursion/incursion.

Lost Property

Please remember to label all of your items clearly so we can get them back to you. This includes any sporting equipment, clothing, lunchboxes and drink bottles.