Student Leaders 

News & Awards

Antonella Tsakmakis - Wellbeing Leader



Each week an award is given to a student who demonstrates one or all of our school values:    Community   Excellence   Respect.

Congratulations to  Claudia in 3/4 for always being ready to help others and being a role model in our class. Well done Claudia!



Class Awards        Term 3    Week  3

Class awards are presented to students who have demonstrated great effort and achievement in their learning. We acknowledge collaboration and initiative as well

as resilience and kindness shown in their classroom this week.


GradeStudent’s NameAwarded for...

Prep AK



EdwardFor his focused effort with his writing

Prep SV



Lucia For your amazing self portrait as a 100 year old

1/2  AS



PrakharFor being brave and having a go in all areas. We are happy to have you in our class!

1/ 2  DG



DanielFor always being ready to learn and demonstrating our school values in class! 

1/ 2 MB




For always working hard to extend her learning and trying her best! Keep up the amazing work! 


3/4 TR



CharlieFor working hard on his reading.

3/ 4  SK



TabithaFor amazing work this week on her writing. Well done Tabitha

3/ 4  VA



Lily Thank you for your continued kindness in the classroom.  Lily’s polite and friendly nature is an asset in year 3 / 4 VA.
5/6  FAHenryk 

For showing great leadership when working with others.




5/6 BOC






For being a role model to others in the classroom. 



Performing Arts- 

Ms Stanton


An  (3/4TR)


For your fantastic focus during dance rehearsals and for supporting others when they forget the steps.




Mrs Mcleary

Thomas  Prep AKFor displaying persistence in his gymnastics 



Miss Serena 







Aidan J 3/4SK


Sage in 1/2



For great enthusiastic participation in Mandarin lessons


Student Leaders and SRC Meeting

Term 3            Week  4

Present: Lucia, Emma, Phoebe, Zara, Zoe, Charlotte,

Rosie, Lenora, Anthony T, Kyla, Mikayla, Vihaan, Anthony V, 

Ari, Abby, Christina, Maddie, Selena, Georgia

Date: Thursday 8 August 2024

Teacher Present: Mrs Antonella

  • Thank you Mrs Mcleary for Green and Gold Day last Friday! 
  • The lunch time games activities led by the House leaders were great fun!!


On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  learning this week? 

Prep AK 10 We have been working really hard to count our numbers

Prep SV 10 Everyone has been listening to the speaker and using whole body listening. Writing, editing their writing Science, drawing pictures of animals

1/2 MB 8 multiplication and reading groups

1/2 DG 8 reading, groups and spelling 

1/2 AS 8 writing, reading fiction texts

3/4 TR 9 in math we are learning about  area and perimeter

3/4 MG 9 math groups to measure and work out the area

3/4 VA 9 using the trundle wheel to measure, class novel 

5/6 BOC 9 Narratives,  Maths, learning about the difference between

 needs and wants

5/6 FA 9 writing and Inquiry learning ‘care for the kids' and Sex Ed


On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  working together this week?

Prep AK 10  We have been working with the 5/6s and taking care of each other.

Prep SV 10 Everyone has been using their manners and being kind to each other Getting better at crossing our legs when sitting on our dot

1/2 MB 8 helping others to spell some words

1/2 DG 8  looking after one another

1/2 AS 8 helping each other to get on the chrome books

3/4 TR 10 helping and giving each other a turn

3/4 MG 7 some people not listening to instructions

3/4 VA 8 everyone can contribute more in class

5/6 BOC 8  taking responsibility for our  actions and words

5/6 FA 9 helping each other in math groups


Antonella Tsakmakis

Wellbeing Leader