From the Office

Story Time for 2025 Enrolled Preps
Exiting Students
If you know that your child will be leaving the school at the end of 2024 to attend a new school, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing the office. This does not apply to those of you with year 6 students.
Muddy shoes & clothes
The recent wet weather has turned our grounds quite muddy. Whilst we encourage students to avoid these areas, kids being kids they aren’t always aware of the mud until they have stepped in it. To add to our challenges we have also been advised that we are not use the oval until further notice, this will certainly worsen the mud inside our grounds with an increase of student traffic.
With this in mind, we are requesting that from tomorrow students please bring an alternate pair of footwear (slippers, Crocs, shoes…not thongs) that can be worn inside. To reduce the mud making its way into our classrooms, students will not be able to wear outside shoes inside. We would request that a spare pair of shoes be a last resort, slippers are preferred. To ensure student safety it is not appropriate for them to wear socks or bare feet.
We also want to make you aware that we do not have spare clothes in the case of a child falling in wet or muddy locations. Whilst we may have something in second-hand uniform this is highly unlikely as we have limited sizes. We will contact parents if a child is significantly wet or dirty however, you are welcome to send spare clothes or socks to school with your child just in case.
Lost Property
A reminder to clearly name all clothing items, lunch boxes & drink bottles. If they are lost, they can be easily identified and returned to the correct owner. Lost property is located outside the sickbay.
Student Absences
Students are expected to attend school regularly and be punctual. Teachers will mark the attendance roll in Compass at 9.00am and immediately after lunch. Parents of absent students are required to provide an explanation of their child/rens absence in the Compass absence portal at their earliest convenience.
Please add an attendance note for an upcoming absence eg appointments/holidays or update a note for an unexplained absence.
If you are experiencing any issues with updating absences please call the school office for assistance.
Early Pick Up
If your child is collected early at any point during the year and need someone other than yourself to do this, we do require written consent from you either in an email to the school or a note to the office giving authority for the person specified to collect your child. Details of emergency contacts you have previously provided are only contacts if we cannot contact you in the event your child is unwell.
Volunteering at Lysterfield Primary School
The Department of Education and Training (DET) has implemented an OHS Management System (OHSMS) that requires all volunteers at Lysterfield Primary School to undertake an induction prior to volunteering. Volunteering includes but not limited to the following:
- Classroom Helpers
- Sport days
- Excursions/Incursions
- Parents Association
- School Council
To volunteer at Lysterfield Primary School, you need to update your induction at the beginning of each year. Please note: Induction will run for approximately 10 minutes. Bookings are not required. Prior to attendance, please ensure you read the attached Child Safety Induction & Volunteer OHS Induction handbook. On the day of the session:
- Please allow 10-15 minutes prior to the induction to complete sign in and copying of your Working with Children’s card.
- Bring your valid Working with Children’s check card to the session.
- Enter via the school office for signing in.
- Present your Working with Children’s card to admin team who will copy your card and note the names of your children at LPS and their grades.
For further information about our visitors and volunteers policies please refer to the following link: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our school administration team.
QKR! Camp Instalments
Families wishing to pay ad hoc instalments towards camps for students in Grades 4, 5 & 6 can do so via the Qkr! app. Alternatively, contact the school office to set up another installment plan.
Grade 4 Adanac Camp | 7th – 9th October | $355
Grade 5 Anglesea Camp | 16th – 18th October | $425
Grade 6 Canberra Camp | 26th – 30th August | $735
Please note: Full payment will be required 4 weeks prior to camps. Further information regarding camp will be provided at a later date.