Year 3/4
Welcome back to Term 3 everyone!
We would like to thank all the parents who came along to Parent/Teacher interviews last week. It was wonderful sharing your child's hard work with you and chatting with so many parents and carers about how best we can continue to support your child through Semester 2.
To start Term 3 in our reading and writing sessions, we have been looking at Indigenous story books and students have been crafting text responses to these. We each read 'Stolen Girl', 'Tom Tom' and 'Somebody's Land', and discussed the elements of life within Indigenous communities and the challenges faced since the arrival of European settlers. This week students began a group project where they chose an element of Aboriginal Culture and researched and presented their findings. Students have been researching Aboriginal Ceremonies, Connection to Country, Dreaming, Food and Agriculture and Ochre.
Students have been looking at fractions and decimals to start our term in Maths. Students have been building on their knowledge of equivalent fractions and making connections to how fractions and decimals represent a part of a whole, as well as how we use them in the real world. We have been trying to make as many links to decimals and the Olympics as possible as we compare and order numbers and place value of numbers under one.
We have been learning about the Olympics for our Humanities unit this term. Each student has chosen a country to investigate and research their background, major geographical importance, facts and their Olympic History. We have also engaged with our own Australian Olympic Team and students have had the opportunity to research information about their chosen Olympian and write a letter of support, which will be sent to the athletes.
We have continued to align our classrooms with Berry Street Educational Strategies, which enable us to build calm and predictable classrooms that focuses largely on regulation and puts student mental health and wellbeing as a focus for which learning can best take place. Each week we focus a wellbeing lesson on a different topic and to start the term we have been looking at Relationship Skills. Students have been learning 'How to handle bullying', 'Caring for others' and 'Showing Empathy'.
Responsible Pet Ownership Program
During the first week back at school, students participated in the Responsible Pet Ownership Program where students learnt about dog safety:
- when dogs should be left alone
- things we should not do to dogs
- how can you tell if a dog is happy, frightened or angry
- a safe way to approach and greet a dog
- what to do if approached by an unknown or aggressive dog
Upcoming Important Dates
Student Free Day - August 19th
Year 4 Tree Planting Excursion - August 21st
Book Week Parade - August 22nd