Year 1/2

We hope you all enjoyed a restful and fun-filled holiday break! 

It was lovely to see so many families during our Parent Teacher Interviews during week 2. It was a great opportunity to celebrate the growth students have made both academically and socially. Students enjoyed an afternoon of sports, carefully selected and planned by our grade 6 leaders. There were smiles all round and we thank everyone involved for such a fun afternoon (plus no rain- yay!)


In Literacy, we’re wrapping up our exploration of poetry this week. Students have been diving into various poetic forms and discovering the beauty of creative expression. Next week, we’ll shift our focus to narrative writing, where students will have the chance to craft their own stories and develop their storytelling skills.


In Maths, we’ve begun exploring multiplicative strategies, which will be our focus through to Week 5. This will help strengthen our students' problem-solving abilities and number sense.


During Humanities and Respectful Relationships, we will be engaging students with an exploration of the Olympics, delving into its history, significance, and impact. Keep an eye out for the results of our very own Potato Olympics in the next newsletter! Following this, we’ll journey into historical studies, giving our students a broader understanding of the past and its relevance to the present. Students will participate in an excursion to Sovereign Hill on Thursday 5th September. 


Monday 19th August: Student Free Day

Friday 23rd August: Book Week parade. The theme this year is: 'Reading is magic'.

Friday 30th August: Father's Day Stall

Thursday 5th September: Sovereign Hill excursion



Thank you for your continued support and involvement in your child’s education. Let’s make this term a great one!

Grade 1/2 teachers

Maddi Rhodes, Brie White, Jess Jones, Mik Vawdrey, Alice Warburton