Work Based Learning 

Abby Mulquiny 

Work Based Learning - McCallum Disability Servies

Charlton College Year 11 and Year 12 students are provided with several different pathway options, which if chosen, allows them the opportunity to link with local businesses and learn lifelong skills for employment all whilst continuing to study at school.


This week we would like to give a special mention to Mercadiez O’Sullivan, our Year 11 student who recently completed a day’s work placement with McCallum Disability Services, St Arnaud. 


Mercadiez has been studying VET Community Services and is exploring her career pathway options which link with her studies. During her time at McCallum she was able to gain a great insight into the daily operations and programs provided to many adults of all abilities. 


Annie Olive and Poppy Fitzpatrick were also fortunate to experience work placement at McCullum Disability Services every Thursday for 5 weeks as part of their VET Allied Health Studies during Year 10. During this time the girls assisted 6 residents with their daily program which included; arts and crafts, painting nails, music therapy, outdoor activities, supervision, bus trips and swimming. 


The laundromat experience was eye-opening as students were able to realise just how important these local resources and services are within our local communities. Students also visited at home residents and helped them with their supermarket trips.


“I would recommend this experience to any other students who have a big heart and love interacting with a broad range of people.” - Annie Olive.


Thank you Mary-Ann Sait from NCLLEN for assisting with the organisation of these placements and McCallum Disability Services for supporting our students.





“Together We Achieve”