Years 7-9 Coordinator

Jade Nicholls 

7-9 Key Dates


Weds31stPathways To Progress Night (Yr 9 & 10) 5:30pm 
Fri16th NCD Athletics (7-12)
Mon - Fri19th - 23th Bogong Snow Camp (Yr 9 &10) 
Weds - Fri4th - 6thGrampians Camp (Yr 9)
Fri20thLast Day Of Term 3 (2:30pm Finish)

Morrisby Interviews

Morrisby interviews are under-away! Students have started conversations about their results for the career profiling they completed last term and are looking forward to taking home and sharing what they have learnt about themselves and career ideas. Once students have completed their interview, they can then jump on to their Morrisby profile to access their information and reflect on their conversation with the career's expert.

Pathways to Progress Information Night

A reminder that the pathways to progress night will be held on the 31st of July at 5:3pm Natasha Saunders will be presenting information about VET to students in year 9 so they can make informed choices for their upcoming VET year.