Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

Kim Thompson

Today in SAKG we learnt about the importance of handling knives in a safe manner and three different cutting techniques. They were the bear claw, the bridge and the rock and chop. Next week we will be practicing these techniques. 


We also had fun making our placemats!


We headed to the garden and had a great time learning about garden bed preparation, planting seedlings and planting seeds. We were lucky to have Dooley instruct us and the support of the VCE VM students guiding our work. We will be working with the VM students for the next two weeks in the practical area. It will be great having them mentoring us and helping us develop our skills in the kitchen.


Thanks Dooley and the VM kids we had lots of fun!


Next week we are making Vietnamese Rice Paper Rolls and we can’t wait to get back to cooking!

Working on our placemats - Jac, Wally, Eadie & Archie
Preparing the garden bed – Harrison, Don & Eli
Getting ready to plant their cauliflower seedlings under the watchful eyes of the VM students – Wally, Campbell & Noah
In the lettuce seedlings go! – Eadie & Tom
VM & YR ¾ SAKG students listening to Dooley talk to them about preparing the garden bed
Working on our placemats - Jac, Wally, Eadie & Archie
Preparing the garden bed – Harrison, Don & Eli
Getting ready to plant their cauliflower seedlings under the watchful eyes of the VM students – Wally, Campbell & Noah
In the lettuce seedlings go! – Eadie & Tom
VM & YR ¾ SAKG students listening to Dooley talk to them about preparing the garden bed