From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,

As we near the end of Week 2 of the term, much has been happening in each of the grades. As always we encourage you to use the year level Curriculum Information sent home last week to chat to your children about what they are learning. This valuable resource really helps when you ask about learning and you don’t get much of a response. Information is also include in our newsletters on the Learning page which has an update about our Artist in Residence Program.



Congratulations to Ms Julia and her husband Pete on the arrival of Rowan last week. We are thrilled that Julia and Rowan are home and both doing well. 



The NAPLAN  reports have arrived at school and they will be sent home with students in Years 3 & 5 by this Friday. 



Our annual Walkathon is being held on Friday 2nd August. This is a huge event as a fundraiser and fun for the students. Information from the BPC has been sent home this week and we encourage you to support this event, by getting as many sponsors as you can. Permission forms MUST be signed and returned by next Monday 29th July, to allow students to participate and all students are expected to join the walk. There are amazing prizes to be won, together with our annual trophy. The trophy is awarded to the grade that raises the most money on average.

Students walk the blocks of the school, Patterson Street, Sheffield Street, Barrow Street and Walsh Street with parents acting as marshalls. If you are available, we are still needing some volunteers. Please see the sign up form on the BPC page.

We begin at 2:30pm and walk as many laps as we can until 3:15pm. There will undoubtedly be some every tired students and teachers that night. To add to the fun, each level chooses a theme and these are listed below. The students need to wear runners and be appropriately and comfortably dressed to participate in the walkathon.

The themes for each level are :

Foundation   Crazy socks

Year 1 /2  Footy Colours

Year  3 /4 The Olympics

Year 5 /6  Sports


Foundation 100 Days of School

This Friday 26th July our wonderful Foundation students will celebrate 100 Days of School. Congratulations to them on 100 days of learning, fun, achievement, challenge, friendships and confidence. We are very proud of each of them and hope they enjoy their special day. To celebrate the children are welcome to dress as if they are 100 years old.  

Details are attached.   

Congratulations to Harriet, Maddie, Louie, Theo, Grace, Isaac. Ethan, Axl, Arzoey, Teddy, Arlo, Johhny and Dorothy.


Disco Thanks

A huge belated thanks to our amazing Disco Crew for organising the social event of the year for our students. Our Glow Party was a huge success because of the preparation, planning and hard work of Laura Jericevich, Margaret Salloum and Tania Signorino. The work for such an amazing event, actually begins months in advance and we are so grateful for the creativity and dedication of these people. Thank you also to the other volunteers for help during the setup on the day and the parent helpers on the night. 

A huge shout out to our Fire Rescue Victoria helpers through Chad Kennedy (father of Hamish & Oscar) who came to our aid with ladders and 'fire person’ power, providing such a wonderful example of community outreach.  

Thank you again Disco & Fire Rescue Vic Crew.


BPC Meeting

Our next BPC Meeting is next Monday 29th July at 2:30pm. We had a wonderful attendance at our last meeting and hope we could have even more at next week’s meeting. Your support in planning and organising events for the students is very appreciated and we cannot run events without you. Please see the BPC for further information.


Assembly this Friday

The whole school assembly is this Friday 26th at 3.00pm. The Year 3/4 classes are hosting.


PL Day - Monday 19th August

A reminder Monday 19th August is a PL day for all staff to complete Level 2 First Aid training. There is no school for students on this day.  OSHC is available on this day, bookings are essential.

'Something to Think About'

In our continuing focus on safety online, The CyberSafety Project which has some useful and free downloadable resources including a Conversation Checklist, a Family Digital Use Agreement, a First Phone Agreement, a Cybersafety at Home Guide  and a Cybersafety Blog. We hope you find these informative and useful.