Kitchen Garden

Inger Furlong, Kitchen Garden Teacher

Year 3 to 6 Kitchen Garden

The students that missed out on their Kitchen Garden session at the end of last term have enjoyed their catch up session. They harvested kale, lemons, herbs and used the pumpkins that were harvested last term to make pumpkin scrolls (year 3 & 4 students), kale chips, curried vegetable pocket pies (year 5 & 6 students) and a delicious kale salad. Luckily there was no rain during garden sessions, so the students got busy planting parsley and peas.  They also weeded, mulched and cared for the chickens.  You can find the recipes below.



I would like to personally thank all the volunteers that have assisted.  We certainly couldn't run Kitchen Garden without the generosity of our Skye community. If you are able to help please get in contact with me via email (  

  Fresh lemons and grapefruit grown at Skye Primary School are for sale at the office.  

20c each!
20c each!