Connect: Year 6

Term Two 2024 - 6A, 6B & 5/6C


Welcome everybody to the first Connect for Term 3!  I hope that your children enjoyed the two week break and if you had to work for that time, I'm sure that they would have been incredibly helpful around the house!  The break has certainly revitalised the students and it seems that they are very enthusiastic to tackle their last Semester at Skye Primary School.

Important dates

Friday 26th July- Green and Gold Day!

Friday 2nd August- Curriculum Day

Friday 9th August- SRC Free Dress Fundraiser

Monday 19th- Friday 23rd August- BOOK WEEK!

Friday 19th August- Professor Bunsen

Thursday 29th August- PISG Gymnastics

Friday 30th August- Fathers Day Breakfast

Tuesday 10th September- School Concert

Thursday 19th September- House Footy!


The students will continue to plan, draft and publish information reports.  They will be encouraged to improve their reading fluency through partner reading, rereading the same text over a number of days and improving their Tier 2 vocabulary. 

Our Mentor text that the students are involved in is still RUNT by Craig Silvey.  It has provided a rich vein of vocabulary and plenty of figurative language for the students to explore.  We are due to finish the novel in the next few weeks when, as luck would have it, the Movie comes out in Cinemas!


We have kicked off the term with continuing to practice our skills the adding and subtracting decimals and we will move towards multiplying and dividing them.  In the applied area of numeracy, we will be focusing on volume and capacity and choosing the correct unit of measurement.

We will continue to practise our basic recall of facts (and any help at home or in the car would be much appreciated!)


We have an exciting term lined up for Inquiry, where we will be researching sources of electrical energy and exploring electrical circuits.  We will develop a deeper understanding of where electricity comes from, and how it is transferred and transformed to power the things we use every day.

Well Being

In Well-Being, students will complete a range of activities aimed to assist students to:

*Analyse the impact of of peer and adult actions in maintaining or changing contemporary gender norms.

*Develop an awareness of the impact of gender norms on the attitudes and behaviour of those entering adolescence.

*Identify the standards and associated actions that underpin respectful gender relations.


Thanks for your ongoing support and until next time.....

Year 5/6C, 6A and 6B