Connect: Year 5

Key dates - Year 5

  • Green and Gold Olympics Free Dress Day - Friday 26th July
  • Curriculum Day - Friday 2nd August
  • Student Council Free Dress Day - Friday 9th August
  • Book Week - 19th - 23rd August

The Next Fortnight of Learning


In the next two weeks of learning students will be exploring elements of Historical Fiction and review clauses in compound sentences. In connection to their recent experiences at Sovereign Hill Camp, students will study mentor's texts including Eureka! A Story of the Gold Fields to identify features writing that is inspired by research and past events. Students will utilise their understanding and experiences to begin to generate ideas to compose their own Historical Fiction texts inspired by the Gold Rush. 



In applied maths in the next fortnight students will be describing and experimenting with the transformation of shapes. This will involve visually representing different and irregular shapes from a variety of angles. In addition, students will be developing their multiplicative thinking through the area model and lattice method. They will utilise both strategies to build fluency and confidence in multiplication.



This term students will be starting a new Inquiry unit titled 'Earth and the Solar System'. As part of this unit students will explore the planets and how they are classified, how the earth gets energy from the sun, what other objects are found in the Solar System and much more. We are very excited to begin this unit of learning! 



This term as part of our Wellbeing learning students will be exploring the following topics:

  • Gender and Identity
  • Help Seeking
  • Positive and negative emotions
  • Recognising mixed emotions


2024 NAPLAN Results have been released and can be collected 

from the office.

Celebration of Learning

Year 5 Camp - Sovereign Hill 

What an unbelievable few days we had on camp this week! It was cold, wet and mostly unpleasant weather wise, but we did not let that stop us from making the most of this experience. Our students did not stop as we participated in mine tours, education sessions, gold panning, bowling, candle dipping, gold pouring demonstrations and much more! A big thank you to the staff and parents who came along to camp, we are very lucky to have such supportive families. Our students learnt many interesting things about life during the 1850s Gold rush period, that we will now explore further back at school.