Connect: Year 4

Next Fortnight of Learning

Welcome back to school everyone! 

We hope you all had a restful and relaxing time away from school and are ready for a busy Term 3, full of exciting learning.



Vocab words




The focus is on building a contextual understanding (knowledge building) to set the scene for our up coming text analyse. Students will unpack text specific vocabulary and build a schema (back ground/prior knowledge) of Alaska, Iliamna lake, Bristol Bay, Pebble Mine proposal and seal (marine/habour)

Writing- Sentence-level

Identify and write topics sentences from a given topic. They will write these topic sentences in 3 different ways: sentence type (statement, questions, exclamation or command), complex (use a subordinating conjunction at the start) and one containing an appositive. 

Writing- Text-level

This ties into our Inquiry topic were students will create either a motto, oath,  acknowledgment of land or anthem for their island. 




Over the coming weeks our students will be continuing their multiplicative thinking. Through this they will be learning efficient strategies such as the doubling strategy to solve multiplication problems while still drawing upon their knowledge of arrays. They will be specifically making connections between multiples of 3 and 6, and 4 and 8.


Problem Solving

Our area of focus this fortnight is Area where the students will be drawing upon the doubling strategy to assist them in solving the problem. 

See below for an example.




The students are well on their way to creating their artificial island homes. They have currently considered what makes a good leader and have selected their location on the world map. Over the coming weeks they will name and draw a map of their island, develop an identity through creating a flag, coat of arms and write their own motto, oath, anthem or acknowledgment of land before presenting their project to the class.



Students explore the notion of trust and how they know how to trust someone. They will be listing five trusted people who they would seek help from. Students will practice clear communication in help-seeking and recognising that they may not always get the help they want when they ask for it. They will further identify the importance of persistence in help-seeking.