Connect: Year 3

July 2024

Welcome to Term Three to our amazing families! We hope you all managed to have a bit of a break over the holidays and the winter germs did not invade your homes!

This term is already shaping up to be lots of fun! We have the Olympics coming up, incursions, Book Week and the best yet... CAMP! See further information below.


Timetable changes: This semester our specialist days have changed due to our students starting MUSIC.. YAY! This means the most of our specialists will be on a Monday and Library will be on a Wednesday. 

Spare Clothing: With the wet weather inundating us over the past week, we are experiencing very soggy parts of our playgrounds. Please ensure your child has spare clothing in their bag for any mishaps! 

What's coming up in Term 3?

Friday 26th JulyGreen & Gold Day dress up day for Paris Olympics!
Friday 2nd AugustCurriculum Day - Berry Street - No Students
Friday 9th AugustSRC Free Dress Day 


Over the next few weeks we will have some forms and information that will come home. Please make sure to keep an eye out through our newsletter, email and Sentral. If you think your child will not attend camp, could you contact your classroom teacher as soon as possible so we can organise or support you. 


NAPLAN results - your child's results from this years NAPLAN is now available for collection from the front office. Please contact us if you have any questions.

What's happening in the classrooms?

Literacy: We have begun our term with some recounts and letter writing in our literacy block. The students have learned the 5 parts of a letter we must include. The children brainstormed who they would like to write a letter to! 

We have re-started picking out best fit books, which suit your childs level of reading. This in turn develops their fluency and expression as they practise daily within the classroom. We have also been exploring personification, which is where an author will turn an everyday object into a living thing. For example we will be looking at the story 'The Day the Crayons Quit'. 

Numeracy: We always begin our term with some Place Value learning. This week we have started with the concept of 1 more, 10 more, 100 more and then also in reverse, so 1 less, 10 less, 100 less. This has also lead into the concept of rounding, which can be a tricky concept to grasp! We will continue to support the students in their understanding. In our problem solving sessions, we are revisiting money problems and the students are loving it!

Inquiry:  This term we are going to be exploring the concept of 'states of matter'. We will be mostly exploring  the concept of 'Liquids and Solids'. This will involve some fun experiments, some hypothesising and learning of new scientific language. This unit is shorter to help fit around our concert term and Camp. 

We were also lucky to have the lovely Grade Two's come and check out the projects that we completed in Inquiry last term. Our students presented their work and shared what they learning about our endangered Australian animals! Thanks Grade 2's!


Wellbeing: We will be covering a lot of ground in wellbeing this term! We will be looking at our Zones of regulation and how they track during our day. We will be exploring our triggers, and how they are unique to ourselves. We will revisit the strategies that we have learned so far throughout the year to help us! 

An update from the kitchen!

Although the weather could have been better, our students have thoroughly enjoyed getting into the garden, looking after the chicken and creating some delicious meals! Check out 3A in action below!


Need our emails again? Here they are! Please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

3A - Amy Jung (M-W)- 

& Taryn Clough (Th & F) - 

3B - Helen Hamill -



We look forward to working with you this term!

Kind Regards,

Amy, Taryn & Helen