Class 1 News


Class 1 up

Dear Class 1 Families,


Welcome to term 3. Class 1 have begun the term with a main lesson on Indigenous Stories called “Open your Heart to Country”. The children will hear a variety of Australian Indigenous Stories including stories from the local people. We have spent the mornings of the first week going on walks in the reserve behind the school journeying across that ancient land and at times taking a moment just to listen. Listen to the sounds of the wind through the trees, the sounds of the birds and experiencing some moments of stillness. 


The children describe the effect this stillness and listening has on them. Usually the words most frequently used are, “calm” and “peaceful”. A true testament to the power of nature to help us reconnect to it and in doing so, reconnect to ourselves, not simply a concept of who we think we are, but a lived experience of spaciousness potentially allowing for a deeper and more rewarding life experience. 


Once we’ve attained a sense of stillness, we remember the original custodians of the land who lived, hunted, raised families and lived in communities here for many thousands of years before we arrived. It makes for a deeply touching scene as we sit beneath a great gum tree affectionately known as the faraway tree. We then set about making this our place. (At least for the time of morning circle). As we do a discussion is had about “place”. 


What makes a place special? A rich conversation ensues in which the children enthusiastically describe places special to them such as their home. What we found is that the people and family that made a place a “home”. We then create a circle and within the circle is the heart. As we stand for the morning verse and as it said, there is perhaps a more grounded feeling within the group that we are all a part of something greater.



