Cassia Transition News


Welcome back to Term 

Dear families,


What a wonderful first week we had! It felt like a long time had passed since we had all seen each other. Many children appeared to have grown, some had lost teeth and grown new ones and a few had learnt to skip! Such a lot can happen in 4 weeks! It is wonderful to reflect at this time of year how far the children have all come since the beginning of the year. They know the rhythm of the day so well, know what to do and how to do it and have become so capable and competent in many areas.


Thank you also to the families who came and watered our Cassia garden over the holidays and to Oliver and his family for your beautiful care of our Guinea pigs. Your help was very much appreciated and our garden is looking lovely, despite Jack Frost nipping at our newly formed mulberry buds! Hopefully some more will take a chance on budding so we can have mulberries in the coming spring. 


This term in Cassia, we welcome Sasha and her parents Amy and Eric to Cassia 1 and Izzy and her parents Georgia and Reuben to Cassia 2. Please say hello to them if you see them in the garden.


With warm wishes for the week and term ahead,
