Principal's Report
Dear Parents and Families,
Welcome back to the first newsletter for the freezing and windy Term 3! I trust you all managed some down time over the break, hopefully you avoided too much impact from viruses and germs and that your children have come back refreshed for a big second half to 2024!
School Review
Over the course of the last week, we have been heavily involved in three days of our four-yearly school review. This has included a panel made up of an independent reviewer, Rob Fearnside, Central Highlands Department of Education leaders, two external Principals, Scott Kittlety (our School Council President), Mrs Macdonald and myself.
Throughout the process, the panel has observed a number of classes, held focus groups with a range of students and student leaders, a wide variety of staff and also parents to gain an understanding of our school culture and performance. What I can share to this point, is that we have a lot to celebrate and be proud of from the last four years, and a very clear direction on our goals and targets for the next four years for BNPS. In due course, the findings of this will be shared with School Council and the staff, and then with the wider school community. I am excited by the position the school is in and the actions we can take together for continuous improvement in the future.
Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences
Thank you for taking the time to attend the learning conferences earlier in the week (or today if your child is in 3/4T). I hope you found these a valuable way to celebrate your child's/children's achievements thus far in 2024, and that they gave you and the students some understanding of learning goals moving forward in Semester Two.
School Concert
You should now have received information both via COMPASS and in hard copy from Mrs Morris and Mr Beggs regarding the school concert coming up on the 4th and 5th of September at Civic Hall. This will be a wonderful celebration for our school and highlight the Performing Arts program and student talents we have in our school. As mentioned last week via Compass, Thursday 5th September will be an early finish at 12:30PM to allow some rest and recovery before the second performance that evening. More information will be coming out in due course regarding more specific elements such as costumes and other preparation.
Lastly, I would like to welcome back onto staff this semester, Mrs Laurinda Coulter, who is co-teaching 5/6M with Mrs Lockyer for the remainder of the year. We have also had two of our fabulous Education Support staff, Samali Ediriweera and Luke Relouw move onto other career opportunities over the mid-year break. Whilst we are sorry to see them go, we are very excited for them and wish them well on their next steps in their careers.
Mrs Carey is enjoying an AMAZING time on long service leave in the Norther Territory and will return from Monday 5th August. It will be great to see her back! I'm sure with many tales to tell.
Until I see you in person,
David Garner
“We know what we are, but know not what we may be.” ~ William Shakespeare