
Recess and Lunch Times at St Anne’s.
It has been wonderful to see everyone settle into Term 3; Children demonstrating our school values, especially resilience when braving the cold wintery conditions.
Recess and Lunch time breaks give the students necessary downtime to socialize with their peers. It’s a time for students to tend to their physical and mental needs after structured learning times. These break times help kids relax. Physical activity releases endorphins in the brain that can also help reduce anxiety.
Benefits of Recess and Lunch breaks
- Research has shown that any type of activity at recess and lunchtime “benefited cognitive performance afterward”
- Children’s natural form of language and communication is play. Playing with others helps them mature in ways that are unlikely to happen in the classroom
- Recess and Lunchtime provide a much-needed break (for students and teachers). It helps manage stress, promotes social skills, and allows for physical exercise. It also helps with creativity, and builds skills like cooperation, sharing, and problem-solving.
- It is well known that physical activity is important in staying healthy and fit; it also improves brain function, mood, and sleep.
- Time for free play benefits children inside and outside of the classroom. Break times have been linked to better classroom behavior (more attentive and productive) and can reduce bad behavior in the classroom
Recess and lunchtimes are complex and multifaceted that amass the most unstructured part of a child's day at school. This in turn can affect their physical and emotional health and well-being. In short, if children return to class having had a positive experience and an enjoyable playtime they are much more likely to do well in the school environment.
In some cases, Recess and Lunch Times can be a time of anxiety, loneliness, or even boredom for some students. At St Anne’s, students are encouraged and supported in devising a “Play Plan” prior to going outside. Students are asked to think about what area they are playing in, what they are playing and who they are with. Upon return, Circle Time is used to discuss/reflect on their recess/lunchtime experiences. Children are encouraged to speak to teachers in the yard if they require assistance. Here are the wonderful areas where children can play. We encourage you to have a chat with your child to see where their favourite place is to play.
Social and Emotional Learning at St Anne’s.
This Term, children will continue to participate in regular Vertical SEL lessons. We encourage you to discuss your child’s experience and what the lesson was about. Our next SEL Vertical Session will be held in Week 4 - Focus: Anti Bully No Way Week
The following sessions for the term will be held in Week 6, 8 and 10.
From the Wellbeing Team.
Kristie Browning Wellbeing Leader
Lindy Brown MHiPS Leader
Jade Salpietro Prep -Yr 3 Learning Diversity Leader jsalpietro@sasunbury.catholic.edu.au
Sue Sexton Yr 4- Yr 6 Learning Diversity Leader