The Library is open from 8.00am to 4.00pm each day, including recess and lunchtime for all students.
Librarian - Mrs Lynn Swannell
ICT Manager - Mr Kevin Hunter
ICT Technician - Mr Sam Karagianni
Library Borrowing/Returns
Students can borrow up to 5 books at a time, for a 2 week duration. Reminder emails and notices on Compass are sent to students when books are overdue, prompting them to return or renew. We do not charge overdue fees, but long overdue books (months) will incur a replacement fee. Parents will be contacted via Compass regarding this.
Library @Lunchtime
Join in our library activities on Monday, Wednesday and Friday lunchtimes when we have 'Mindful Monday' which includes some 'mindful' activities or quiet reading; Wednesday Games with chess and Uno; Friday 'Book Bites Club'.
Reading is Magic - Book Week
Look out for some magic happening in the Library during CBCA Book Week and on Australian School Library Day (Weds 21 August)....with some special lunchtime events with our very own MESC author, magician and poet...
Danielle Binks - Year 7 Author Visit
What a fantastic presentation by Danielle to our Year 7 students and exemplary listening skills from our students too. They thoroughlyenjoyed hearing about how Danielle crafted her novel and characters. She told them of her memories of growing up on the Peninsula and exploring the area, as well as her research and meeting people who assisted the Kosovo refugees during their time here. Our students were able to find out why she named particular characters and places, what became of some of them (watch out for her new novel out soon), and the process of publishing a book from writing, editing, choosing covers to seeing it in bookstores and on booklists.
Book Reviews
The Year the Maps Changed by Danielle Binks
Review by Hazel (Year 7)
The whole book was a bit sad. I just finished reading it a week ago. I felt sorry for Winifred because her mum passed away when she was only six years old and because the people she called her family were pushing her away. My favorite part was when Sam (her step-brother) and Winnie (the main character) got along with each other. My least favorite was when their half-brother was born stillborn.
The Lost Library by Rebecca Stead
Review by Kaya (Year 8)
A lovely story about how the right book can change your life. This book was well written, and the characters were relatable and interesting. I absolutely loved this book, one of the best I have read in a while.
Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullay Hunt
Review by Ava (Year 9)
This book was inspirational and comforting to me. It was very realistic to what bullying is like and all the characters were very loveable (except Shay obviously.) I would recommend this to everyone. I love the message too!