Hi I’m Charli,


I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to attend the Magic Moments Youth Summit, 2024. The Magic Moments Foundation is an incredible organisation that is dedicated to the empowerment and education of youth leaders. They strive to create an environment of love, understanding and support at each of their summits, and it really makes such a difference to everyone attending. 


During my five days there, I learnt so much more than I could have ever imagined. The summit focuses on teaching things that can often be absent from a typical high school education. Things like managing money, investing, and setting yourself up for financial success. We learnt how to properly not only develop, but also achieve goals that we set for ourselves. With the help of incredible speakers from across the world, we developed mission statements for our lives, to help us build up our sense of purpose and help us believe that we really can achieve anything we set our minds to. Not only are the teachers and coaches incredibly supportive, but so were my peers. Being surrounded by other young adults who were just as interested in creating a community and making change as me, was such a refreshing experience, and I really loved being able to learn the individual stories and experiences of those around me, that I may not have otherwise been exposed to. 


Overall, the Magic Moments Summit was an incredible experience that I feel so lucky to have been able to attend.