As we commence Semester 2 we would like to commend students for re-engaging with course content and physical activity lessons. Across all year levels, the positivity of students and the engagement has been excellent.
This Term in theory lessons, Year 7 explores the unit ‘Eat Right, Live Strong' focusing on developing a balanced lifestyle. In practical activities, students will be continuing on with skills and activities to develop a cheerleading routine. This unit has been shown to be a unit full of laughter, fun and teamwork, which students all seem to be enjoying so far.
Year 8 is focusing on the unit ‘Be Smart, Don’t Start’. The main theme is on developing refusal skills in regards to Vaping and Alcohol consumption. Many students have been working on developing signs for the College to debunk myths associated with Vaping (see pictures below). In the practical component of the course Year 8 are completing a unit about soccer which will utilise the MDIFA fields. Students have the opportunity to develop skills they have shown in these games.
Year 9 students have been considering the role of themselves in making informed decisions in the ‘Protecting Myself’ unit. This unit focuses on sexual health, consent and healthy relationships. Practically this term Year 9 are focused on developing League Tag skills and are preparing for a round robin of AFL games towards the end of the term.
Last semester Year 10 developed an understanding of strategies to ensure they make informed decisions. This term students will reflect on how peers and societal pressure influences their behaviour in regards to driver safety, technology use and the new influence of online gambling. Students will be given ongoing scenarios, groups sessions and discussion activities to aid this course content.
In one of our elective classes this term, Year 9 Outdoor Education students enjoyed an excursion to the snow. The students had a great time, learnt some valuable skiing and snowboarding skills in the sun. Thank you to Ms Lumsden and Mr Irvine for organising the trip for the students involved.
Mr Matthew Hope | PDHPE KLA Leader