Student of the Week

Award being presented: Friday 30th August 2024
Grade | Award |
00A | Nomination 1: Archer - for your wonderful insight into the animals we explored at the zoo and putting in your best effort when writing facts about them! You are a star Archer! |
Nomination 2: Rosie - for being a mathematician this week when exploring measurement. You took your time and tried your best when measuring different things around our classroom. I am so proud of you Rosie! |
| Nomination 1: Oliver for his great creativity during our Book Week rotations. I loved hearing all of your amazing ideas. You are a superstar! |
Nomination 2: Esme for your amazing fact writing. I also did not know that monkeys could swing from tree to tree by the time they are one year old. You are so clever! |
00C | Nomination 1: Grace B - for her wonderful writing about our zoo excursion. I love how you wrote about your favourite animal, the meerkat sitting on the tree. Keep up the amazing work! |
Nomination 2: Jackson S - for always being a happy and friendly face in Prep C. I love that you share your infectious smile and laugh every day! |
00D | Nomination 1: Dorothy - for being a superstar map reader as we walked around the zoo! I was so lucky to have you in my group, you made sure we got to all the animals we wanted to see! |
Nomination 2: Emma - for her terrific writing about her favourite animal from our zoo excursion, the Spider Monkeys. Well done Emma, you wrote neatly, presented colourful work and gave a reason why they were your favourite - they can can hang by their tails. Awesome! |
1A | Nomination 1: Oliver S for making positive choices in the classroom, as a Respectful, Responsible Learner. Keep it up! |
Nomination 2: Nima for the hard work on being such a positive class member, committing to the task and encouraging others along the way. |
| Nomination 1: Bawi Tha - for your fantastic information report on Volleyball. You found some interesting information using different resources and did an amazing job transferring your learning into a published piece using Pages. Your final piece looked so professional! Well done. |
Nomination 2: Emma - for your effort and focus during our unit on Multiplication and Division. I was really impressed with how you used the concrete materials to show your thinking and then presented this with a pictorial. What a superstar! |
1C | Nomination 1: Ned - for working so hard on his Non Fiction book about Golf. You carefully researched to find your information and wrote some terrific sentences, teaching Miss Hamilton all about Golf! I am so proud of you. Well done and keep up the great work! |
Nomination 2: Ollie - for being such a good friend to others. You are always looking out for your peers and wanting to help whenever you can! I am so proud of you. Well done and keep up the great work! |
| Nomination 1: Elise - your effort in Mathematics has been outstanding! You're growing more confident in your skills every day, and we love hearing you share your ideas with 1D.
Nomination 2: Max - you are such a bright presence in our classroom! You're an excellent role model for your peers, always listening to teacher instructions. We're so lucky to have you in 1D.
1E | Nomination 1: Annabelle - for being an absolute superstar. You always show the school values of a respectful responsible learner. You are a great friend to everyone and we are so lucky you are a part of 1E! |
Nomination 2: Riya - for her excellent work when researching her Olympic sport of Gymnastics.. You did such a great job working on your poster. Well done Riya! |
| Nomination 1: Chloe N - for her impressive attitude and work ethic towards her maths learning. Keep up the awesome work! |
Nomination 2: Lily - you have been nominated by 2A for being super nice, funny, great friend, helpful, good at gymnastics and always being kind. Well done Lily! |
| Nomination 1: Isabella - for being such a hard working, kind and caring member of 2B. You are always the first student to help and support your classmates. We love having you in 2B. |
Nomination 2: Asher - for working so hard to complete your Cookie Thief narrative. Your story was wonderful. I am so glad the Baker shared the cookies with the Mummy and Baby Mouse. |
2C | Nomination 1: Isla Scott You were nominated by your classmates for being kind, smart and a great friend. Everyone thinks you demonstrate all the GRPS values! We are glad to have you in 2C. They also say that you are a good thinker and listener. We all are so glad you are in 2C this year! |
Nomination 2: Jayden Song Jayden, it is fantastic to see you taking on teacher feedback to improve the quality of your work. As a result, your writing and maths abilities have grown. Keep up this great effort! |
2D | Nomination 1: Blaine - for being a super kind member of our class who makes everyone happy. You always try hard with your work. You have a good sense of humour and your peers think you are a good fun student to have in the class. |
Nomination 2: Arya - for always working so hard on all your classroom tasks. You are a kind and friendly member of the class who always has a smile and always ready to do your best with all your work. |
| Nomination 1: Sam - for always having something valuable to contribute to classroom discussions. Your insight on general knowledge has been super handy as we discover more about Antarctica. |
Nomination 2: Suan Pi - for staying focused in class and working hard to produce some excellent poetry writing in your poetry booklet this term. |
3B | Nomination 1: Fardad - for working so hard on your listening on the floor. You have been an outstanding learner - keep it up! |
Nomination 2: Caroline - for taking such pride in her work. Every single piece you complete is done with such effort and enthusiasm. Well done! |
| Nomination 1: Eleanor J - Amazing work on creating an informative poster about Antarctica. I can’t wait to see your hard work and being a learner for your Antarctic animal. |
Nomination 2: Samuel H - Great job on taking feedback for your poster and improving on your information report to formal language. It is wonderful to see you strive to improve. Keep being a Learner!!! |
| Nomination 1: Aurora - for doing a wonderful job during our maths sessions. You are completing tasks with a positive attitude and it has been wonderful to see your progress throughout our division unit. Well done! |
Nomination 2: Will - for the great work you did in our reading groups, you were able to identify the different parts of speech and sentence types, and then use them in your writing. Superstar work! |
4B | Nomination 1: Hans - for your amazing effort in using quotation marks for character speech. You will be able to apply this to your own writing piece! |
Nomination 2: Lucie - for reading aloud with expression and fun character voices in our fluency reads. Keep it up! |
5A | Nomination 1: Eric - for your positive return to GRPS and for confidently returning to Australian school life and learning. |
Nomination 2: Elizabeth - for consistently displaying our school values all year and being committed to doing your best in all classroom activities. |
5B | Nomination 1: Lexi C - for your amazing effort with improving your fractions and decimals knowledge. You have shown outstanding improvement in these areas. |
Nomination 2: Darius F - for your amazing effort with improving your fractions and decimals knowledge. You have shown outstanding improvement in these areas. |
| Nomination 1: Mannix - for your amazing poetry skills. We particularly loved your poem on Jolly Grammar! Keep up the great work. |
Nomination 2: Peace - for your super work during our fractions unit. You have shared your skills and pushed yourself to grow and develop. You’re a great Mathematician! |
| Nomination 1: Ricky - for demonstrating a love of reading and always having a book on your desk |
Nomination 2: Archie - for demonstrating a love of reading and always having a book on your desk | |
6B | Nomination 1: Skylah - for contributing to class discussions. We love hearing your thoughts! Keep it up! |
Nomination 2: Lana - for being an excellent learner and always trying her best in tasks. You are so ready for high school! |
6C | Nomination 1: Noor B - Your classmates have recognised you for trying so hard in the Australian Mathematics Competition. Well done! |
Nomination 2: Arman D - Your classmates have recognised you for trying really hard to fit into a new school. You have shown courage and resilience. Well done! |
| Nomination 1: Layla B (4B) - for putting so much effort in creating the Indonesian Poster for the competition. You’re indeed a champion! Bagus, Layla! |
Nomination 2: Hannah A (2A) - for taking initiative to take part in the Indonesian Poster Competition. Also, your learning attitude is the best example to everyone. Keep it up, Hannah! |
EAL | Nomination 1: Benjamin 1B - for reading aloud with great expression and enthusiasm! Listening to your reading is wonderfully entertaining Benjamin! |
Nomination 2: Ayush 1B - for using your phonogram knowledge and reading strategies to learn new words. You are EAL’s reading champion this week Ayush! |
Visual Arts
| Nomination 1: Paul M (2C) for consistently working hard in Art classes. It shows with your weaving, which is wonderful! |
Nomination 2: Rachel V N S(2B) for doing a great job with your weaving in Art Classes. You have been working so well in the art room and it shows in the outstanding work that you are making. |
Physical Education | Nomination 1: Marco G-C (5B) - for his fantastic skipping skills and for voluntarily assisting others. So great to see Marco! |
Nomination 2: Ava E (4A) - for her wonderful patience and generosity in assisting others to further develop their confidence in their jump rope skills. |
Science & Technology
| Nomination 1: Samuel (3B) - for your consistent enthusiasm towards everything science related. |
Nomination 2: David Z (3B) - for your excellent answers about plant parts! What a brilliant learner you are! |